RFP ED-99-R-0013
National Clearinghouse on Comprehensive School Reform

UPDATE May 3, 1999

Amendment 0002 to RFP ED-99-R-0013 was issued on April 30, 1999. The proposal due date has been extended to May 24, 1999. The file "AMEND2.DOC" below contains the complete text of the amendment. The file "AMEND1.DOC" has been moved into the "ATTACH.ZIP" file.

DUE DATE: May 24, 1999, 2 P.M. E.S.T.
POC: Sang Park, Contract Specialist at (202) 708-8222

The Office of Reform Assistance and Dissemination (ORAD), part of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), seeks to establish a new national clearinghouse on comprehensive school reform. The purpose of this Clearinghouse is to improve the national dissemination of information on comprehensive school reform. The Clearinghouse shall collect, analyze and disseminate information on comprehensive school reform in educational institutions serving the K-12 population, including public schools, public school districts, state educational agencies, and private schools in the United States. It is anticipated that a Performance-Based, Cost Reimbursable Contract will be awarded.

Requests for copies of the RFP may be made by telephone, mail, telegram, Internet, or in person. All requests shall reference the RFP number (ED-99-R-0013) and title. Telephone requests may be placed by calling 202-708-6498. Mail or telegram requests shall be sent to the following address, U.S. Department of Education/CPO, ATTN: Yolanda Abney, Room 3616, 7th & D Streets, SW, Washington, DC 20202-4443. Internet requests may be sent to Yolanda_Abney@ed.gov. Copies of the RFP may be picked up in person on the issuing date at the above address, Room 3616. Issue date is April 2, 1999 and Closing date is 2:00PM EST May 24, 1999. All responsible sources may submit a proposal which will be considered. The dates listed herein are subject to change.

Contact Gary Weaver at (202) 401-0083 for downloading problems only.

AMEND2.DOC (28K) - Amendment 2 to the solicitation in MS Word 97 format.

SOW.DOC (56K) - Statement of Work in MS Word 97 format.

RFP.DOC (327K) - Snapshot of the Request for Proposal in MS Word 97 format. Some formatting may have changed during the conversion to MS Word.

ATTACH.ZIP (35K) - Amendment 1 and Attachments to the RFP, in various file formats. Four files zipped for easy downloading. Files must be extracted using zip utility software before they can be opened in MS Word or Excel.

[Archived Solicitations] - [RFPs and Draft Work Statements On-Line]


Last Modified: 10/06/2003