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Promising Results, Continuing Challenges:
Final Report of the National Assessment of Title I


  1. The FY 99 appropriation for Title I (Parts A-E) totaled $8.357 billion.

  2. Stephanie Stullich, Brenda Donly, and Simeon Stolzberg, Targeting Schools: Study of Title I Allocations Within School Districts (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 1999).

  3. Jay Chambers, Joanne Lieberman, Tom Parrish, Daniel Kaleba, James Van Campen, and Stephanie Stullich, Study of Education Resources and Federal Funding: Preliminary Report (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 1999).

  4. U.S. Department of Education, The Use of Federal Funds for Administrative Costs (Washington, DC: Author, 1998).

  5. U.S. Department of Education, unpublished tabulations from the 1996-97 Title I Performance Report.

  6. Fumiyo Tao, Beth Gamse, and Hope Tarr, National Evaluation of the Even Start Family Literacy Program: 1994-1997 Final Report (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 1998) 30.

  7. U.S. Department of Education, State Title I Migrant Participation Information: 1996-97 (Washington, DC: Author, 1998) 1-48.

  8. U.S. Department of Education, 1996-97 Title I Performance Report.

  9. Michael Puma, Nancy Karweit, Cristofer Price, Anne Ricciuti, William Thompson, and Michael Vaden-Kiernan, Prospects: Student Outcomes Final Report (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 1997) 12.

  10. Puma et al., Prospects, 18.

  11. U.S. Department of Education, Reinventing Chapter 1: The Current Program and New Directions (Washington, DC: Author, 1993) 78-82.

  12. U.S. Department of Education, Reinventing Chapter 1, 94-98.

  13. U.S. Department of Education, Reinventing Chapter 1, 156-62.

  14. States reported are among those from which data were made available through the U.S. Department of Education's Title I Performance Report and subsequent reports made through late fall/early winter 1998-99. information will be available in the spring of 1999.

  15. The McKenzie Group, Student Achievement and Accountability Systems in Urban Districts, draft (Dec. 23, 1998).

  16. Allen Schenck and Dale Carlson, Standards-Based Assessment and Accountability in American Education: A Report on the States' Progress, as of 1997, in Implementing the Requirements of IASA, Title I, draft (Jan. 28, 1999).

  17. Rolf Blank, Jennifer Manise, Barbara Braithwaite, and Doreen Langesen, State Education Indicators with a Focus on Title I: 1998 (Washington, DC: Council of Chief State School Officers, February 1999).

  18. Schenck and Carlson.

  19. Schenck and Carlson.

  20. U.S. Department of Education, 1996-97 Title I Performance Report.

  21. U.S. Department of Education, Local Implementation Study, District Results 1: Flexibility and Accountability, draft (Nov. 23, 1998).

  22. The McKenzie Group.

  23. U.S. Department of Education, Local Implementation Study.

  24. Margaret Goertz, Diane Massell, and Tammi Chun, District Response to State Accountability Systems, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (October 29, 1998).

  25. Camilla Heid and Ann Webber, School-Level Implementation of Standards-Based Reform: Findings from the Follow-up Public School Survey on Education Reform (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 1999).

  26. Heid and Webber.

  27. Stullich et al, Targeting Schools

  28. U.S. Department of Education, Use of Federal Funds iii.

  29. U.S. Department of Education, Use of Federal Funds iii.

  30. Chambers et al, Study of Education Resources.

  31. Chambers et al.

  32. The Education Trust, in collaboration with the Council of Chief State School Officers, Dispelling the Myth: High Poverty Schools Exceeding Expectations (Washington, DC: The Education Trust, 1999).

  33. U.S. Department of Education, Longitudinal Evaluation of School Change and Performance: Some Preliminary Findings from First Two Years, draft (Dec. 1998).

  34. U.S. Department of Education, Teacher Quality: A Report on the Preparation and Qualifications of Public School Teachers (Washington, DC: Author, 1999) B-23.

  35. U.S. Department of Education, Chapter 1 Implementation Study (Washington, DC: Author) 2-3; Heid and Webber, School-Level Implementation.

  36. Heid and Webber.

  37. Chambers et al, Study of Education Resources.

  38. Chambers et al.

  39. Chambers et al.

  40. Chambers et al.

  41. See The Education Trust, Dispelling the Myth, and Willis Hawley, William Schager, Francine Hultgren, Andrew Abrams, Ernestine Lewis, and Steve Ferrara, An Outlier Study of School Effectiveness: Implications for Public Policy and School Improvement, paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (March 25, 1997).

  42. Hawley et al.

  43. The Education Trust, 6.

  44. Heid and Webber

  45. U.S. Department of Education, Case Studies of Title I and Educational Improvement in Secondary Schools: Preliminary Findings (Washington, DC: Author, 1997).

  46. Janie Funkhouser, Elizabeth Stief, and Stacy Allen, Title I School-Parent Compacts: Supporting Partnerships to Improve Learning (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 1998).

[Executive Summary (Part 3 of 3)]

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