Archived Information

(in thousands of dollars) Category
President's Request
Compared to
2001 Appropriation
Office, Account, Program and Activity Amount Percent
Education for the Disadvantaged
1. Grants to local educational agencies (ESEA I-A):
(a) Basic grants (section 1124)
D 6,783,000 7,397,6901 7,237,721 (159,969) -2.2%
(b) Concentration grants (section 1124A)
D 1,158,397 1,365,0311 1,364,000 (1,031) -0.1%
(c) Targeted grants (section 1125)
D 0 0 459,000 459,000 ---

7,941,397 8,762,721 9,060,721 298,000 3.4%
Annual appropriation
D 1,736,634 2,004,421 9,060,721 7,056,300 352.0%
Advance for succeeding fiscal year
D 6,204,763 6,758,300 0 (6,758,300) -100.0%

2. Capital expenses for private school children (ESEA I section 1120(e))
D 12,000 6,000 0 (6,000) -100.0%
3. Even start (ESEA I-B)
D 150,000 250,000 250,000 0 0.0%

4. Reading first:
(a) Reading first State grants (proposed legislation)
D 0 0 900,000 900,000 ---
(b) Reading and literacy grants (ESEA II-C):
Annual appropriation
D 65,000 91,000 0 (91,000) -100.0%
Advance for succeeding fiscal year
D 195,000 195,000 0 (195,000) -100.0%

260,000 2 286,000 2 0 286,000 -100.0%
Subtotal, Reading first State grants
260,000 286,000 900,000 614,000 214.7%
(c) Early reading first (proposed legislation)
D 0 0 75,000 75,000 ---
Subtotal, Reading first
260,000 286,000 975,000 689,000 240.9%

5. State agency programs:
(a) Migrant (ESEA I-C)
D 354,689 380,000 380,000 0 0.0%
(b) Neglected and delinquent (ESEA I-D)
D 42,000 46,000 46,000 0 0.0%

396,689 426,000 426,000 0 0.0%
6. Evaluation (ESEA I-E section 1501)
D 8,900 8,900 8,900 0 0.0%
7. Demonstrations of comprehensive school reform (ESEA section 1502)
D 170,000 3 210,000 3 260,000 50,000 23.8%

Subtotal, ESEA I
8,938,986 9,949,621 10,980,621 1,031,000 10.4%
8. Migrant education (HEA IV-A-5):
(a) High school equivalency program
D 15,000 20,000 20,000 0 0.0%
(b) College assistance migrant program
D 7,000 10,000 10,000 0 0.0%

22,000 30,000 30,000 0 0.0%

Total, Appropriation
D 8,960,986 9,979,621 11,010,621 1,031,000 10.3%
Total, Budget authority
8,765,986 9,426,084 17,963,921 8,537,837 90.6%
      Current, discretionary
D 2,561,223 4 3,026,321 5 11,010,621 7,984,300 263.8%
      Prior year's advance, discretionary
D 6,204,763 6,399,763 0 6 (6,399,763) -100.0%
      Prior year's advance, mandatory
M 0 0 6,953,300 6 6,953,300 ---

Outlays, Total
D 8,529,111 8,478,249 9,395,512 917,263 10.8%
D 2,237,694 2,703,121 2,747,926 44,805 1.7%
D 6,291,417 5,775,128 6,647,586 872,458 15.1%
1Includes supplemental appropriation amounts of $159,969 thousand for Basic Grants and $1,031 thousand for Concentration Grants.
2Adjusted for comparability. Funds were provided in the Reading Excellence account.
3An additional $50,000 thousand in fiscal years 2000 and 2001 was provided for comprehensive school reform activities in the total appropriated for the Fund for the Improvement of Education under the account proposed to be called Education Research, Statistics, and Assessment.
4 Excludes a comparable advance appropriation of $6,399,763 thousand that becomes available on October 1 of fiscal year 2001.
5 Excludes a comparable advance appropriation of $6,953,300 thousand that becomes available on October 1 of fiscal year 2002.
6 Reflects proposed appropriations language to designate the $6,953,300 thousand in comparable advance appropriations that become available in fiscal year 2002 as direct spending (mandatory funds): $6,758,300 thousand appropriated under the Education for the Disadvantaged account and $195,000 thousand appropriated under the Reading Excellence account.

NOTE: All activities in this account authorized under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and for which funds are requested in fiscal year 2002, require new authorizing legislation.

NOTE: Category Codes are as follows: D=discretionary program; M=mandatory program.

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Total Expenditures for Education in U.S.
Impact Aid (ESEA VIII)