I. Introduction

I.A. Purpose of Study

The United States Department of Education has a requirement for a large, complex data collection. This data collection, Education Longitudinal Study: 2002 (ELS:2002), is designed to continue the series of longitudinal data collection efforts that began with the National Longitudinal Study of 1972 (NLS-72) and was followed by High School and Beyond (HS&B) and the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88). ELS:2002 will begin with a tenth grade cohort in 2002 that will be followed at two year intervals. ELS:2002 will collect data from students and their schools, parents, and teachers. These tenth grade students will also be asked to complete cognitive tests in mathematics and reading comprehension. The method of data collection will include paper and pencil sessions in group settings and telephone and personal interviews. This study will culminate with documented data files and the user’s manual for the first follow-up.

This RFP invites qualified offerors to submit a proposal to plan and conduct the base-year and first follow-up data collections for ELS:2002. A tenth grade cohort will be established in 2002. The first follow-up will occur two years later in 2004 when most of the respondents will be high school seniors. This RFP includes work on the base-year study of tenth graders in 2002 and the first follow-up in 2004. These data collection activities shall employ procedures, instruments and questionnaire items similar to those used in three earlier longitudinal studies, National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS-72), High School and Beyond (HS&B), and National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 (NELS:88).

The purpose of ELS:2002 is to track the critical transitions experienced by young adults, as they progress through high school to postsecondary education and into the world of work. ELS:2002 will include a single cohort of students and the schools they attend. This cohort will yield policy-relevant information about such topics as effective high schools, discipline, homework, course taking patterns, cognitive ability, cognitive growth over time, dropouts, private schools, vocational education, special education, instruction for limited English speaking students, postsecondary access and choice, student financial assistance, employment during high school and college, transfer behaviors, vocational training, on-the-job training, labor force participation, employment stability, family formation, and graduate/ professional training.

ELS:2002 is the fourth in a series of studies designed to provide trend data about critical transitions experienced by young adults. Accordingly, ELS:2002 will begin with tenth grade students in 2002 and follow them into the twelfth grade. With additional sampling in the twelfth grade, the first follow-up data from the tenth grade cohort will facilitate comparisons with the NLS-72, HS&B, and NELS:88.

The overall objective of all four studies is to provide information on a longitudinal basis for addressing such issues as the quality, equality, and diversity of educational opportunity and the effect of these factors upon individual development and educational and career outcomes.

A second objective is to provide information on changing trends in education and career outcomes through comparison of the information provided by the four studies. The information and analyses provided by these studies can be used to address educational policy issues and to better understand the critical transitions experienced by individuals as they complete their schooling and enter or reenter the world of work.

The work will be monitored by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) within the U.S. Department of Education (ED).

I.A.1. Legislation

The Longitudinal Studies program at NCES is authorized by law under the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) section 406(b), as amended, (20 USC, 122le-1):

'The purpose of the Center shall be to collect, analyze, and disseminate statistics and other data related to education in the United States and in other nations. The Center shall: collect, collate, and from time to time report full and complete statistics on the condition of education in the United States; conduct and publish reports on specialized analyses of the meaning and significance of such statistics;


I.A.2. Program Overview

The ELS:2002 is the fourth secondary school based longitudinal study. The earlier studies include: NELS:88 followed through 2000; NLS:72 - followed through 1986, and HS&B, - followed through 1986 (senior cohort) and 1992 (sophomore cohort). Further information concerning NELS:88, NLS-72, and HS&B are available on NCES’s web page,

I.B. Quality Control

NCES is firmly committed to determining how well each project meets the project goals, the quality

of data collected, and implications for future projects. Project quality control should be integrated into every

phase of the project. For instance, potential problems should be identified early so that possible solutions are tested as part of the field test. Item reliability and validity tests for questionnaires and student cognitive tests must be built into the data collection efforts. Non-response analyses should be conducted as part of the final weighting process, and survey methodology and sample design effects should be presented for use by all data users. Thus, in this as in

other Center projects, statistical quality control shall be incorporated into each stage as appropriate.

I.C. NCES Standards

All work conducted under this contract must at minimum meet the standards and guidelines set forth in the publication NCES Statistical Standards, June 1992 and as amended by standards implemented

since that time. In addition, all final reports for major products must at minimum meet the standards and guidelines in the OERI Publication Guide. Copies of these publications are available on request from Dr. Marilyn McMillen at (202) 219-1754, or by mail: National Center for Education Statistics, 555 New Jersey Ave.,

NW, Washington DC 20208-5654.



II. Scope of Work

Independently and not as an agent of the United States Government, the Contractor shall provide

all personnel, materials, services, and facilities necessary for the project and perform the tasks as described below.

The ELS:2002 study will follow a cohort of tenth graders through high school and into postsecondary education and/or the world of work. This specific contract shall be an incrementally funded 60 month contract and includes base year and first follow-up data collection activities. This study shall have seven major components. The first shall encompass all initial management and review tasks, including overall project quality control (Task 1). This component shall encompass the entire period of the project. The second component shall involve the conduct and reporting of the field test for the base year (Task 2) from data element development through OMB clearance, data collection and file creation, and field test reporting for the base year survey. The third component shall involve the conduct of the full scale survey (Task 3) and shall include obtaining cooperation, sample selection, group administration of student questionnaires and cognitive tests, administration of school administer and parent questionnaires via self administration or CATI/CAPI, data file development, and methodology reporting. The fourth component shall be composed of weighting, creation of derived variables, the construction of a tabulation system, and a descriptive survey report (Task 4). The fifth component shall involve the conduct and reporting of the field test for the first follow-up year (Task 5) from data element development through OMB clearance, data collection and file creation, and field test reporting for the first follow-up. The sixth component shall involve the conduct of the full scale first follow-up survey (Task 6) and shall include obtaining cooperation, locating students, group administration of student questionnaires and cognitive tests and administration of school questionnaires, data file development, and methodology reporting. The seventh component (Task 7) shall include selected aspects of the first follow-up descriptive reporting. [During the base year, data will also be collected from one parent/guardian and the math and English teachers of each sampled student. Transcripts will be collected as part of the first follow-up data collection.] The following tasks are among those needed to adequately complete the ELS:2002 study. While this list is not exhaustive, when coupled with the detailed specifications for the deliverables, it should serve to illuminate the complexity of the overall study and provide guidance in its conduct.

Task 1. Management

The contractor shall manage the collection of ELS:2002 data in an efficient manner that fosters communications with staff, the NCES COTR, and potential users of the data.

Subtask 1.1 Post Award Conference

Within the first week after contract award, the contractors, project director, and other key project staff as identified in the proposal shall hold a meeting with the NCES Contracting Office’s Technical Representative (COTR) and other appropriate NCES staff to review the overall contract tasks, to identify potential problems and possible solutions, and to discuss areas of concern related to the proposed project staffing plan and other management requirements. The primary purpose of this meeting is to refine the management, staffing, and scheduling plans. These refinements are not to alter the specifications of the contract, but to provide management information for use by both the contractor and the government in monitoring the work to be performed. This conference is also to help the contractor to make use of the experience and materials that NCES staff have gained over the years.

Subtask 1.2 Schedules

Due to the uncertainties of large data collection projects, the contractor shall develop and maintain a detailed schedule for all activities of the project. The schedule shall be updated monthly.

Deliverables: Schedules

Subtask 1.3 Technical Review Panel

To obtain peer review of project plans and products, and to foster communications with potential users of the data, the contractor shall establish a Technical Review Panel (TRP) of 10 consultants and conduct 8 meetings. The 2-day meetings shall be held in Washington, DC. The contractor shall prepare packets, ship packets to TRP members, prepare and provide meeting materials, and prepare minutes of TRP meetings. The TRP shall work with the contractor to improve plans, products, and user friendliness; however, the TRP does NOT report to or advise NCES.


Deliverables: List of potential TRP panelists; Pre-meeting Information packets; Meeting agendas; Meeting materials; Meeting minutes

Subtask 1.4 Monthly Reports

The contractor shall report monthly on the progress made in accomplishing the project tasks, the consumption of funds, problems encountered, and plans for the next month.

Deliverables: Monthly Reports

Subtask 1.5 Integrated Monitoring System

The contractor shall develop and maintain an Integrated Monitoring System (IMS) to foster communications with staff and the NCES COTR. The contractor shall design the IMS to routinely produce information about the project and provide access to this information to the NCES COTR.

Deliverables: Document Archive; ELS:2002 Data Library; Relational Instrumentation Interface; Production Reports; Confidentiality Reports; Quality Control Reports; Electronic Codebook Input Files

Task 2. Base Year Field Test (FT)

The contractor shall develop all systems for data collection, prepare materials for IMCD/OMB forms clearance, train staff in the methods of data collection, test all data collection systems, and report on the quality of the data collection systems as a field test prior to the full-scale collection of ELS:2002 data.

Subtask 2.1 FT Sample

The contractor shall select a sample of 50 schools (40 public and 10 private in the states of New York, California, Florida, Illinois, and Texas). Within each sampled school, 25 tenth graders and 12 twelfth graders will be randomly selected for the ELS:2002 field test sample. The 600 (50 schools X 12 students/school) twelfth graders will be used for developing pools of items for cognitive tests in the areas of mathematics and reading comprehension.

Deliverables: FT Sampling Specifications

Subtask 2.2 FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance

The contractor shall prepare the IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance package for submission. The package shall request clearance for both the field test and the full-scale collections.

Deliverables: FT Data Elements and Justifications; FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package; FT SF-83

Subtask 2.3 FT Data Collection

The contractor shall collect the field test data from the FT sample with a target response rate of 92 percent. In addition, the contractor shall determine the amount of response time associated with each data element collected via CATI/CAPI (e.g., parent or school questionnaire). Finally, the contractor shall re-collect data from a small (50) number of FT sample respondents (parents) to determine the quality of the data.

Deliverables: Student questionnaires and cognitive (math and reading comprehension) tests; FT CATI/CAPI Executables; FT Training Materials; Data Element Timing Report; Debriefing Report; Re-collection Report; FT Data files


Subtask 2.4 FT Reporting

The contractor shall prepare a report documenting all activities, methods, and outcomes of the field test.

Deliverable: FT Methodology Report

Task 3. Full-scale Data Collection

The contractor shall modify all sampling and data collection systems as needed depending upon the results of the field test. The contractor shall prepare materials for IMCD/OMB forms clearance and shall collect data from the full-scale ELS:2002 sample members.

Subtask 3.1 Sample

The contractor shall develop a sample frame for the ELS:2002 sample (800 secondary schools -- 600 public and 200 private). Within each selected school, 25 tenth grade students will be selected. Although students will not be excluded from the frame because of disabilities or language problems, they may be excused from taking student questionnaires or cognitive tests. Prior to the submission of the sampling specifications, a samplig plan shall be submitted for review. This plan shall include sections on sample frames, sample sizes, freshening in first follow-up, design weight development, and variance estimation.

Deliverables: School and Student Sampling Specifications and frame for ELS:2002.

Subtask 3.2 IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance

The contractor shall prepare the IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance package for submission. The package shall request clearance for the full-scale collection.

Deliverables: Data Elements and Justifications IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package; SF 83;

Final Item Word or wording List

Subtask 3.3 Data Collection

The contractor shall collect the full-scale sample data with a target response rate of 92 percent for each component (Core = student, school administrator, parent and teacher components). Questionnaires and cognitive tests should be patterned after those used in the NELS:88 base year and first follow-up.

Deliverables: Student questionnaires and cognitive tests (Mathematics and Reading), parent questionnaires, Principal questionnaire, teacher questionnaire (optional) CATI/CAPI executables; Training Materials; Data files with weights and composite variables.

Subtask 3.4 User Manual with Codebook

The contractor shall prepare a report documenting all activities, methods, and outcomes of the full-scale data collection including frequencies for all variables including composites.

Deliverable: User Manual with Codebook -- A single user manual will be produced that includes information on all components (i.e., student, parent, school administrator, and teacher component). The manual will be patterned after the NELS:88 2nd follow-up user manual.

Task 4. Descriptive Reporting

The contractor shall prepare a descriptive survey report based on the 2002 data.

Subtask 4.1 Analysis Plan

The contractor shall develop specifications for derived variables, table shells, and report structure.

Deliverables: Derived variable specifications; Table shells; Descriptive report outline

Subtask 4.2 Data Analysis System

The contractor shall create the derived variables and a data analysis system for the estimation of table values.

Deliverable: Data analysis system input files

Subtask 4.3 Descriptive Survey Report

The contractor shall prepare the descriptive survey report based on the 2002 data.

Deliverable: Descriptive survey report for base year

Task 5. First Follow-up Field Test (FT)

The contractor shall develop all systems for data collection, prepare materials for IMCD/OMB forms clearance, train staff in the methods of data collection, test all data collection systems, and report on the quality of the data collection systems as a field test prior to the full-scale collection of ELS:2002 data.

Subtask 5.1 FT Sample for First follow-up

The contractor shall use the ELS:2002 field test sample. Subsampling for base year nonrespondents and for transfer students shall be specified. The contractor shall also provide specifications for freshening the sample with 12th grade students (e.g., out of country during base year) who did not have the opportunity to participate during the base year). The specifications should be modeled after those used in the first and second follow-ups of NELS:88.

Deliverables: FT Sampling Specifications

Subtask 5.2 FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance

The contractor shall prepare the IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance package for submission. 'The package shall request clearance for both the first follow-up field test and the full-scale collections. Neither parents or teachers will be surveyed during the first follow-up.

Deliverables: FT Data Elements and Justifications for first follow-up student questionnaire, dropout questionnaire, freshened student questionnaire, early graduate questionnaire, transfer student questionnaire, school questionnaire, and transcript component (optional); FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package; FT SF-83


Subtask 5.3 FT Locating/Tracing Plan


The contractor will develop a locating/tracing plan that will detail guidelines for following base year FT participants (tenth graders) as they experience various educational transitions (e.g., dropping out, transferring to another school, retained in grade). It is important to determine the first follow-up disposition and location of as many FT base year participants as possible. Based on the results of the FT, the Locating/Tracing Plan for the full-scale data collection shall be developed.

Deliverables: First follow-up FT locating/tracing plan

Subtask 5.4 FT Data Collection

The contractor shall collect the field test data from the FT sample with a target response rate of 92 percent. In addition, the contractor shall determine the amount of response for the student questionnaires and cognitive tests and the time associated with each data element collected via CATI/CAPI if CATI/CAPI is proposed.

Deliverables: Student questionnaires and cognitive tests, school questionnaires, FT CATI/CAPI Executables; FT Training Materials; Data Element Timing Report; Debriefing Report; Re-collection Report; FT Data files

Subtask 5.5 FT Reporting

The contractor shall prepare a report documenting all activities, methods, and outcomes of the field test.

Deliverable: FT Methodology Report

Task 6. Full-scale Data Collection for First Follow-up

The contractor shall modify all sampling and data collection systems as needed depending upon the results of the field test. The contractor shall prepare materials for IMCD/OMB forms clearance and shall collect data from the full-scale ELS:2002 sample members.

Subtask 6.1 Sample

The contractor shall develop a sample frame for the ELS:2002 first follow-up sample using the ELS:2002 base year sample.

Deliverables: School and Student Sampling Specifications and frame for ELS:2002.

Subtask 6.2 IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance

The contractor shall prepare the IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance package for submission. The package shall request clearance for the full-scale collection.

Deliverables: Data Elements and Justifications; IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package; SF 83;

Final Item Wording List


Subtask 6.3 LocatingITracing Plan

Based on the results of the FT, the Locating/Tracing Plan for the full-scale data collection shall be developed.

Delivery specification,

Two (2) months prior to the start of survey operations on the full-scale sample, the Locating Tracing Plan shall be delivered as a Word or Word compatible file.


Subtask 6.4 Data Collection

The contractor shall collect the full-scale sample data with a target response rate of 92 percent for each component – (students, dropouts, and school administrators). Transcripts will also be collected from first follow-up participants. The optional transcript data collection activities should be patterned after the NELS:88/92 transcript data collection.

Deliverables: Student and dropout questionnaires and cognitive tests; CATI/CAPI Executables; Training Materials; Data files with weights. For the transcript data collection, the contractor shall collect and be prepared to deliver course catalogs, master teaching lists and actual transcripts.

Subtask 6.5 User Manual with Codebook

The contractor shall prepare a single user manual that documents all activities, methods, and outcomes of the full-scale data collection including frequencies for all variables at the student level. A separate user manual (patterned after the NELS:88/92 Transcript user manual) shall also be produced if the transcript component is funded.

Deliverable: User Manual(s) with Codebook


Task 7. Descriptive Reporting

The contractor shall begin preparations for a descriptive survey report based on the 2002 data.

Subtask 7.1 Analysis Plan

The contractor shall develop specifications for derived variables, table shells, and report structure.

Deliverables: Derived variable specifications; Table shells; Descriptive report outline

Subtask 7.2 Data Analysis System

The contractor shall create the derived variables and a data analysis system for the estimation of table values.

Deliverable: Data analysis system input files




The specifications for all deliverables to be generated by the tasks described in section II are

presented below. Several components of the Integrated Monitoring System (IMS) are included, but the IMS

cannot be considered as the sum of its parts-it is more comprehensive. The IMS shall link the NCES COTR with project information, of all types.

Unless otherwise specified, deliverables shall not be physically delivered to the NCES COTR. Instead, the NCES COTR shall be notified of the deliverable's placement within the IMS. An important function of the IMS from the NCES COTR's viewpoint is the IMS capability to retrieve deliverables.

III.1 Schedule (Subtask 1.2)

For all activities within the project, the schedule shall detail the key staff assigned, the projected start and end dates, and completion dates. The schedule shall be updated monthly. For any monthly schedule, all completion dates shall be entered and the future three (3) months activities shall be detailed. There are only 6 static dates within the schedule: [1] full scale data collection must begin by January, 2002; [2] accepted full-scale derived variable file for base year data collection must be delivered by December, 2002; [3] accepted descriptive survey report must be delivered by March, 2003; [4] full scale first follow-up data collection must begin by January 2004; [5] accepted full-scale derived variable file for base year through first follow-up by December 2004.

Delivery specifications:

Each month (concurrent with the monthly report) an update of [1] off-the-shelf software scheduling file (not the software itself, but rather the activity/date file) and [2] ASCII text file 'print-out' of the schedule shall be included within the IMS.



III.2 List of potential TRP panelists (Subtask 1.3)

Twenty (20) potential panelists shall be listed. Names, addresses, telephone numbers, affiliations, prior TRP memberships, and annotated resumes shall be included. To maintain continuity with the NELS:2000 TRP (see appendix A), three (3) of the potential panelists shall be from the NELS:2000 TRP.

Delivery specifications:

Six (6) weeks prior to the first TRP meeting the List of potential TRP panelists shall be delivered as a word or word compatible file. Selected TRP members information shall be included within the IMS with off-the-shelf database software for the generation of personalized letters and mailing labels.

III.3 Pre-meeting (TRP) Information packets (Subtask 1.3)

These deliverables are materials (such as data element lists, collection problem reports, etc.) that shall be delivered to TRP members so that they can be prepared for discussion at the meetings. Eight (8) TRP meetings of 2-day durations shall be held in Washington, DC. Pre-meeting information packets will be delivered to TRP members one (1) week prior to TRP meetings.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to each TRP meeting, Pre-meeting Information Packets shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.4 (TRP) Meeting agendas (Subtask 1.3)

These deliverables provide structure for TRP meetings in terms of times, topics, and discussion leaders. The expected topics for the eight (8) TRP meetings are as follows:

1 . FT data elements

2. FT data elements (timing)

3. Derived variables and descriptive survey report

4. Data files and electronic codebooks

    1. Data analysis system
    2. Descriptive survey report
    3. First Follow-up FTdata elements and sample design
    4. Full scale first follow-up instruments and sample


Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to each TRP meeting, the Meeting Agenda shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.5 (TRP) Meeting materials (Subtask 1.3)

These materials include documents and drafts that are discussed at the TRP meetings.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) days prior to each TRP meeting, the Meeting Materials shall be delivered as word or word compatible files.


III.6 (TRP) Meeting minutes (Subtask 1.3)

These minutes document the TRP discussions.

Delivery specifications:

Three (3) weeks after each TRP meeting, the Meeting Minutes shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.7 Monthly Reports (Subtask 1.5)

The monthly report shall detail the progress made in accomplishing the project tasks, problems encountered, and plans for the next month. By attachment, the financial status of the project shall be described, including detailed monthly charges by named staff.

Delivery specifications:

Monthly (on or before the day corresponding to the contract award date) progress and financial reports shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.8 (IMS) Document Archive (Subtask 1.6)

All documents (including dated drafts, E-mail communications, meeting notes, etc.) generated during the life of the project shall be stored in the document archives The archive shall identify file name, dates, author(s), format, and key words corresponding to each document.

Delivery specifications:

Monthly updates (corresponding to the monthly reports) using off-the shelf software shall be delivered. A listing of each document’s vitals (i.e., file name, dates, author(s), format, and key words) shall be an ASCII text file.

III.9 ELS:2002 Data Library (Subtask 1.5)

All data files of ELS:2002 data collections shall be stored and documented. These include 2002 and 2004 full scale collections and 2001 and 2003 field test collections.

III.10 ELS:2002 Bibliography (Subtask 1.5)

All publications using ELS:2002 data shall be cataloged. In addition to NCES publications, publications found in searches of ERIC and Dissertation Abstracts shall be included.

Delivery specifications:

Within six (6) weeks of first ELS:2002 publication, the publication shall be cataloged using off-the-shelf database software. Within twelve months of the release of base year ELS:2002 data, citations from ERIC and Dissertation Abstract searches shall be included. The bibliography shall be updated at six (6) month intervals.


III.11 Relational Instrumentation Interface (Subtask 1.6)

The instrumentation for the collection of ELS:2002 data shall consist of paper and pencil student questionnaires and tests and a PC-based, scripted, windowed computer assisted telephone interview (CATI) and computer assisted personal interview (CAPI) procedures with recursive fills for components surveyed by CATI/CAPI. The CAPI, operating on a laptop PC, shall be undistinguishable from the CATI system in terms of screen text, and skip patterns.

For CATI/CAPI instruments, the development of screens for these procedures shall be controlled and documented by a Relational Instrumentation Interface (RII). The main function of the RII is to relationally develop CATI/CAPI screens from the data elements. The essential linkages are as follows:

[1) Data elements

[2] Variables

[3] CATI/CAPI screens

[4] Sources ( Prior variables, Screen entry)

[5) Range restrictions

[6] Sample restrictions

[7] Storage parameters

The CATI/CAPI system shall accept translated text from the RII for [3], [4], [5], [6], and [7]-thus, it shall be scripted. Project staff, not programmer support staff, shall develop the text for the RII that shall be translated into the CATI/CAPI instructions.

Look-up table software for industry and occupation codes and a key word glossary shall be available within the CATI/CAPI system-thus, it shall be windowed.

Delivery specifications:

Within four (4) weeks of contract award the RII shall be established within the IMS using off-the-shelf database software. The RII shall be updated on a flow basis through FT IMCD/OMB forms clearance and following examination of the results of the field test. The RII database software shall have the capability to produce lists of data elements, skip pattern instructions, preload designations, fill designations, and range checks similar to the listing above as ASCII text files. In addition the RII database software shall have the capability to produce translatable files compatible with the CATI/CAPI systems where needed.

III.12 Production Reports (Subtask 1.5)

The status of all cases in the data collection system, by day of operations, shall be presented in daily production reports. The following status categories shall be displayed:

Paper and Pencil Questionnaires


[1] Status of parental permission (yes; pending; no) – for student

[2] Eligibility of student on survey day

[3] Presence (or absent) of student on survey day

[4] Questionnaire completion status

[5] Test completion status

[6] Student locator information status

CATI/CAPI Administrations

[1] Case not yet worked

[2] In location/trace

[3] Unlocatable

[4] In CATI

[5] Completed CATI

[6] CATI call back

[7] CATI partial complete, no call back

[8] CATI refusal

[9] In CAPI

[10] Completed CAPI

[11] CAPI partial complete, no recontact

[12] CAPI refusal

[13] Ineligible/deceased

Delivery specifications:

One day before the beginning of data collection, the spreadsheet with days as rows and the status categories as columns shall be loaded into the IMS. During data collection operations, the Production Report shall be appended daily.

III.13 Confidentiality Reports (Subtask 1.5)

Confidentiality Reports shall be in two (2) parts. Part 1 shall be a list of all project staff who will have access to restricted ELS:2002 data. Part 2 shall be a completed (signed and notarized) set of NCES Affidavits of Nondisclosure for all project staff listed (in part 1).

Delivery specifications:

Within one (1) week of contract award, Part 1 shall be included within the IMS as a Word or word compatible

file. Each NCES Affidavit of Nondisclosure shall be completed prior to access to restricted

ELS:2002 data. The completed NCES Affidavits of Nondisclosure shall be mailed to the NCES COTR in monthly batches corresponding to the monthly report. Part I shall be updated on a flow basis.

III.14 Quality Control Reports (Subtask 1-5)

The quality of CATI operations shall be monitored using the statistical quality control procedures of W.A. Shewhart and W.E. Deming'. The operator by time population of CATI activities shall be randomly sampled and monitored for the following events:

[l] No observed errors or deviations

[2] Deviation not resulting in error

[3] Error with recovery

[4] Error without recovery

The quality of CAPI and group administration of paper and pencil operations, from a monitoring point of view, is more difficult to assess. The use of recordings, supervisory actions, and other methods shall be evaluated as methods of gauging the quality of CAPI and paper and pencil operations during the field test.

Delivery specifications:

One day before the beginning of data collection operations, the spreadsheet with days as rows and the event categories as columns shall be loaded into the IMS. During data collection operations, the Quality Control Report shall be appended daily.

III.15 Electronic Codebooks (Subtask 1.5)

Electronic codebook software enhances the usage of data files. Users are presented lists of fully labeled variables with associated frequency distributions (unweighted) and associated item wording. Users' selections of variables are converted into fully-labeled SPSS-PC and PC-SAS code for extraction of analysis files.

Delivery specifications:

Development of the electronic codebooks for the ELS:2001 field test data files, ELS:2002 full-scale data files, ELS:2003 field test data files, and ELS:2004 full-scale data files shall be documented within the project schedule (see subtask 1.2).

III.16 FT Sampling Specifications (Subtask 2.1)

FT sampling specifications shall present the sample design for the base year field test and the plans for the full-scale sample. The contractor shall select a sample of 50 schools (40 public and 10 private in the states of New York, California, Florida, Illinois, and Texas). Within each sampled school, 25 tenth graders and 12 twelfth graders will be randomly selected for the ELS:2002 field test sample. The 600 (50 schools X 12 students/school) will be used for developing pool of items for cognitive tests in the areas of mathematics and reading comprehension.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to the first TRP meeting, a draft of the FT sampling specifications shall be delivered as a WORD OR WORD COMPATIBLE file. Two weeks after the first TRP meeting, the final FT sampling specifications shall be delivered as a WORD OR WORD COMPATIBLE file.


III.17 FT Data Elements and Justifications (Subtask 2.2)

For the data elements included within the RII (paper and pencil questionnaires and CATI), justifications suitable for inclusion within the IMCD/OMB package shall be developed.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to the first TRP meeting, a draft of the FT Data Elements and Justifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. One (1) week after the first TRP meeting, the second draft FT Data Elements and Justifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file for NCES inter-divisional review. One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review, the final FT Data Elements and Justifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.18 FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package (Subtask 2.2)

The FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package shall include introduction, project justifications, purpose and use of data, descriptions of collection methods, descriptions of efforts to identify duplication, descriptions of the suitability of existing data, methods used to minimize burden, frequency of data collection, adherence to guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.6, consultations, confidentiality, sensitive questions, estimates of costs, estimates of response burden, publication plans and schedules, statistical methodology, sampling, data elements and justifications, and sample notifications. This package shall request clearance for field test and full-scale activities.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review of the FT Data Elements and Justifications, the FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the 120 day clearance period, two (2) revisions for IMCD and OMB concerns shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.19 FT SF-83 (Subtask 2.2)

Information needed to complete blocks #1 3 and #1 7 on Standard Form 83, which accompanies the

IMCD/OMB Clearance package, shall be delivered.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review of the FT Data Elements and Justifications, the FT SF-83 information shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.20 FT Item Wording List (Subtask 2.2)

OMB and IMCD require documentation for all items to be included in paper and pencil instruments. For CATI/CAPI operations, the final CATI/CAPI screens used for data collection are required.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week prior to CATI operations on FT sample [6], an ASCII text file presenting all CATI windows and coding structures shall be delivered.

III.21 FT Questionnaires (Subtask 2.3)

Based on the accepted FT Data Elements, the paper and pencil questionnaires and tests and FT CATI/CAPI shall be developed.


Delivery specification:

Two (2) months prior to the start of survey operations on the FT sample, all questionnaires and CAPI Executable shall be delivered.

III.22 FT Training Materials (Subtask 2.2)

Materials used for the training of trace/location staff, survey staff, CATI/CAPI operators, and quality control monitors include mock interview sessions, glossaries of terms, procedures for refusal conversion, and procedures for system operations.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week prior to survey operations, the FT Training Materials shall be delivered as

Word or word compatible files.

III.23 Data Element Timing Report for CATI/CAPI (Subtask 2.3)

The Data Element Timing Report shall detail the amount of time in minutes (average and maximum) required for CATI operations with FT sample (i.e., parent questionnaire) for each data element.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to the second TRP meeting, the Data Element Timing Report shall be delivered as a spreadsheet file.

III.24 Debriefing Report (Subtask 2.3)

The experiences of survey staff, CATI/CAPI operators and trace/location staff during the field test shall be documented in a Debriefing Report.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks after termination of survey operations, the Debriefing Report shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.25 Re-collection Report (Subtask 2-3)

Qualitative comparisons of the two interviews conducted with FT sample, the comments obtained from these respondents, and comments obtained from the re-interview operators shall be documented in the Re-collection Report.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks after termination of survey operations, the Re-collection Report shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.26 FT Data files (Subtask 2.3)

The data collected during the field test shall be stored in a series of files for the analyses needed for the FT Methodology Report and for secondary analyses. (The documentation for the FT Data Files shall be an electronic codebook, see IMS specification.)

Delivery specifications:

One (1) month following termination of survey operations, the FT data files shall be delivered as ASCII text files with fixed variable positions. The maximum record length shall be less than 1024 characters.

One (1) month following acceptance of the Derived Variable Specifications (see subtask 4. 1), an ASCII text file of derived variables based on field test data shall be delivered.

III.27 FT Methodology Report (Subtask 2.4)

All aspects of the field test activities and results shall be documented in the FT Methodology Report. Chapters within the FT Methodology Report shall include an introduction with a discussion of the history of ELS:2002 in general and the-field test sample(s); a description of the collection systems developed; timing and response rates for data elements; quality measures (quality control monitoring and re-collection); system performance in terms of tracing/location rates and times, paper and pencil questionnaire yields, CATI yields, and CAPI yields; and significant problem areas.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) month following delivery of the FT Data files, the FT Methodology Report shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the six month period of NCES publication review, this report shall be revised to reflect the concerns of (A) Division statistician review, (B) Associate Commissioner review, (C) Adjudication panel review, and (D) Chief statistician review.

III.28 Data Elements and Justifications (Subtask 3.2)

For the data elements identified for full-scale collection, justifications shall be developed. (If IMCD/OMB clearance of the field test extends to the full-scale, this deliverable will describe the deletions and changes in field test data elements.)

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to submission of the IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package for the fullscale base year collection, the Data Elements and Justifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.29 IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package (Subtask 3.2)

The IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package shall include introduction, project justifications, purpose and use of data, descriptions of collection methods, descriptions of efforts to identify duplication, descriptions of the suitability of existing data, methods used to minimize burden, frequency of data collection, adherence to guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.6, consultations, confidentiality, sensitive questions, estimates of costs, estimates of response burden, publication plans and schedules, statistical methodology, sampling, data elements and justifications, and sample notifications. (if IMCD/OMB clearance of the field test extends to the full-scale, this deliverable will describe the deletions and changes in the above sections.)

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review of the Data Elements and Justifications, the IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the 120 day clearance period, two (2) revisions for IMCD and OMB concerns shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.30 SF 83 (Subtask 3.2)

Information needed to complete blocks #13 and #17 on Standard Form 83, which accompanies the clearance package, shall be delivered.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review of the Data Elements and Justifications,

the SF 83 information shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.31 Final Item Wording List (Subtask 3.2)

OMB and IMCD require documentation of the final CATI/CAPI screens used for data collection.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week prior to full-scale survey operations, an ASCII text file presenting all CATI windows will be delivered.

III.32 CAPI Executable (Subtask 3.3)

Based on the accepted Data Elements, the CATI and (identical) CAPI shall be developed.

Delivery specification:

Two (2) months prior to the start of CATI operations on the full-scale sample, the CAPI Executable shall be delivered.

III.33 Training Materials (Subtask 2.3)

Materials used for the training of survey staff, CATI/CAPI operators, and quality control monitors include mock interview sessions, glossaries of terms, procedures for refusal conversion, and procedures for system operations.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week prior to full-scale survey operations, the Training Materials shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.34 Data files (Subtask 3.3)

The data collected during the full-scale operations shall be stored in a series of files for the analyses needed for the User manual and codebook, the Descriptive Survey Report and for secondary analyses.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) months following termination of survey operations, the data files shall be delivered as ASCII text files with fixed variable positions. The maximum record length shall be less than 1024 characters. One (1) month following acceptance of the Derived Variable Specifications (see subtask 4.1), an ASCII text file of derived variables shall be delivered.

III.35 User Manual and Codebook (Subtask 3.4)

All aspects of the full-scale collection activities and results shall be documented in the User Manual. Chapters of the manual shall include an introduction with a discussion of the history of ELS:2002 in general; a synopsis of the field test; a description of the collection systems developed; response rates for data elements- quality measures (quality control monitoring); system performance in terms of tracing/location rates and times, CATI yields, and CAPI yields; weighting and design effects; and significant problem areas. The manual shall also include frequencies for all variables at the student level (student, parent, school administrator, and teacher (optional).

Delivery specifications:

One (1) month following delivery of the Data Files, the User Manual shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the six month period of NCES publication review, this report shall be revised to reflect the concerns of (A) Division statistician review, (B) Associate Commissioner review, (C) Adjudication panel review, and (D) Chief statistician review.

III.36 Derived variable specifications (Subtask 4.1)

Approximately 250 new variables shall be specified as derivations from the 2002 data. These derived variables shall be composites of one or more variables that have the potential for inclusion within the Descriptive Survey Report. The classes of derived variables include school activities, extracurricular activities, labor force activities, family formation, life goals and values, and demographics.

Delivery specification:

Two (2) weeks prior to the third TRP meeting, a first draft of the Derived Variable Specifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Three (3) weeks following the third TRP meeting, the second draft of the Derived Variable Specifications shall be delivered as an ASCII text file with PC-SAS or SPSS-PC code detailing each specification. Two (2) months following termination of survey operations, the final Derived Variable Specifications shall be delivered as an ASCII text file with PC-SAS or SPSS-PC code detailing each specification including adjustments for missing values within the data.

III.37 Table shells (Subtask 4.1)

Sixty (60) shells for tables planned for inclusion within the Descriptive Survey Report shall be developed. Tables shall be specified with rows, columns, and sample filters for derived variables.

Delivery specification:

Two (2) weeks prior to the third TRP meeting, a first draft of the Table Shells shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Three (3) weeks following the third TRP meeting, the second draft of the Table Shells shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Two (2) months following termination of survey operations, the final Table Shells shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file detailing adjustments for low frequencies within the data.

III.38 Descriptive report outline (Subtask 4.1)

An annotated outline of the Descriptive Survey Report shall be developed. Table topics outlined shall include school activities, extracurricular activities, labor force activities, family formation, and life goals and values. Further, an essay (15-20 pages) on a policy relevant topic shall be included.

Delivery specification:

Two (2) weeks prior to the seventh TRP meeting, a first draft of the Descriptive Report Outline shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Three (3) weeks following the seventh TRP meeting, the second draft shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Two (2) months following termination of survey operations, the final Descriptive Report Outline shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.39 Data Analysis System (Subtask 4.2)

Based on the 250 new derived variables a data analysis system shall be developed for the estimation of table values.

Delivery specification:

One (1) month following the acceptance of the derived variables data file, the Data Analysis System (DAS) shall be delivered.

III.40 Descriptive survey report (Subtask 4.3)

As specified in the accepted Descriptive Report Outline and using the accepted DAS to produce tables specified in the accepted Table Shells, the Descriptive Survey Report shall be developed. In addition to text describing group differences, this report shall include approximately 15 graphs and/or charts for the most interesting findings and a 2-page set of bullets serving as highlights.

Delivery specification:

Four (4) months prior to the end of the base year activities (around July 2003) termination date of the contract, the Descriptive Survey Report shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the four month period of NCES publication review, this report shall be revised to reflect the concerns of (A) Division statistician review, (B) Associate Commissioner review, (C) Adjudication panel review, and (D) Chief statistician review.

III.41 First Follow-up FT Sampling Specifications (Subtask 5.1)

FT sampling specifications shall present the sample design for the first follow-up field test and the plans for the full-scale sample. The contractor shall use the base year FT sophomore cohort sample as the basis for the first follow-up FT sample. It is important to include a subsample of the base year non-respondents in the sampling specifications. It is also important to include the specifications for freshening first follow-up sample so that it will be representative of high school seniors.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to the 7th TRP meeting, a draft of the FT sampling specifications shall be delivered as a WORD OR WORD COMPATIBLE file. Two weeks after the seventh TRP meeting, the final FT sampling specifications shall be delivered as a WORD OR WORD COMPATIBLE file.

III.42 FT Data Elements and Justifications for First Follow-up (Subtask 5.2)

For the data elements included within the RII, justifications suitable for inclusion within the IMCD/OMB package shall be developed.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to the seventh TRP meeting, a draft of the FT Data Elements and Justifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. One (1) week after the first TRP meeting, the second draft FT Data Elements and Justifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file for NCES inter-divisional review. One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review, the final FT Data Elements and Justifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.43 FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package for First Follow-up (Subtask 5.2)

The FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package shall include introduction, project justifications, purpose and use of data, descriptions of collection methods, descriptions of efforts to identify duplication, descriptions of the suitability of existing data, methods used to minimize burden, frequency of data collection, adherence to guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.6, consultations, confidentiality, sensitive questions, estimates of costs, estimates of response burden, publication plans and schedules, statistical methodology, sampling, data elements and justifications, and sample notifications. This package shall request clearance for field test and full-scale activities.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review of the FT Data Elements and Justifications, the FT IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the 120 day clearance period, two (2) revisions for IMCD and OMB concerns shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.44 FT SF-83 (Subtask 5.2)

Information needed to complete blocks #1 3 and #1 7 on Standard Form 83, which accompanies the

IMCD/OMB Clearance package, shall be delivered.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review of the FT Data Elements and Justifications, the FT SF-83 information shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.45 FT Item Wording List (Subtask 5.2)

OMB and IMCD require documentation of the final CATI/CAPI screens used for data collection.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week prior to CATI operations on FT sample [6], an ASCII text file presenting all CATI windows and coding structures shall be delivered.

III.46 FT questionnaires and CATI/CAPI Executable (Subtask 5.3)

Based on the accepted FT Data Elements, the paper and pencil questionnaires and tests and FT CATI/CAPI shall be developed.


Delivery specification:

Two (2) months prior to the start of survey operations on the FT sample, all questionnaires and CAPI Executable shall be delivered.

III.47 FT Training Materials (Subtask 5.2)

Materials used for the training of trace/location staff, survey staff, CATI/CAPI operators, and quality control monitors include mock interview sessions, glossaries of terms, procedures for refusal conversion, and procedures for system operations.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week prior to survey operations, the FT Training Materials shall be delivered as

Word or word compatible files.

III.48 Data Element Timing Report for CATI/CAPI (Subtask 5.3)

The Data Element Timing Report shall detail the amount of time in minutes (average and maximum) required for CATI operations with FT sample for each data element.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to the eighth TRP meeting, the Data Element Timing Report shall be delivered as a spreadsheet file.

III.49 Debriefing Report (Subtask 5.3)


The experiences of survey staff, CATI/CAPI operators and trace/location staff during the field test shall be documented in a Debriefing Report.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks after termination of survey operations, the Debriefing Report shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.50 Re-collection Report (Subtask 5.3)

Qualitative comparisons of the two interviews conducted with FT sample, the comments obtained from these respondents, and comments obtained from the re-interview operators shall be documented in the Re-collection Report.

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks after termination of survey operations, the Re-collection Report shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.51 FT Data files (Subtask 5.3)

The data collected during the field test shall be stored in a series of files for the analyses needed for the FT Methodology Report and for secondary analyses. (The documentation for the FT Data Files shall be an electronic codebook, see IMS specification.)

Delivery specifications:

One (1) month following termination of survey operations, the FT data files shall be delivered as ASCII text files with fixed variable positions. The maximum record length shall be less than 1024 characters.

One (1) month following acceptance of the Derived Variable Specifications (see subtask 4. 1), an ASCII text file of derived variables based on field test data shall be delivered.

III.52 FT Methodology Report (Subtask 5.4)

All aspects of the field test activities and results shall be documented in the FT Methodology Report. Chapters within the FT Methodology Report shall include an introduction with a discussion of the history of ELS:2002 in general and the-field test sample(s); a description of the collection systems developed; timing and response rates for data elements; quality measures (quality control monitoring and re-collection); system performance in terms of tracing/location rates and times, paper and pencil questionnaire yields, CATI yields, and CAPI yields; and significant problem areas.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) month following delivery of the FT Data files, the FT Methodology Report shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the six month period of NCES publication review, this report shall be revised to reflect the concerns of (A) Division statistician review, (B) Associate Commissioner review, (C) Adjudicabon panel review, and (D) Chief statistician review.

III. 53 Locating Tracing Plan (Subtask 6.3)

The sampling specifications for the full-scale collection shall be adjusted from the FT sampling specifications to reflect the findings of the field test

Delivery specification:

Two (2) months prior to the start of survey operations on the full-scale sample, the Locating Tracing Plan shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.



III.54 Data Elements and Justifications (Subtask 6.2)

For the data elements identified for full-scale collection, justifications shall be developed. (If IMCD/OMB clearance of the field test extends to the full-scale, this deliverable will describe the deletions and changes in field test data elements.)

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) weeks prior to submission of the IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package for the fullscale base year collection, the Data Elements and Justifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.55 IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package (Subtask 6.2)

The IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package shall include introduction, project justifications, purpose and use of data, descriptions of collection methods, descriptions of efforts to identify duplication, descriptions of the suitability of existing data, methods used to minimize burden, frequency of data collection, adherence to guidelines in 5 CFR 1320.6, consultations, confidentiality, sensitive questions, estimates of costs, estimates of response burden, publication plans and schedules, statistical methodology, sampling, data elements and justifications, and sample notifications. (if IMCD/OMB clearance of the field test extends to the full-scale, this deliverable will describe the deletions and changes in the above sections.)

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review of the Data Elements and Justifications, the IMCD/OMB Forms Clearance Package shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the 120 day clearance period, two (2) revisions for IMCD and OMB concerns shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.56 SF 83 (Subtask 6.2)

Information needed to complete blocks #13 and #17 on Standard Form 83, which accompanies the clearance package, shall be delivered.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week after NCES inter-divisional review of the Data Elements and Justifications,

the SF 83 information shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.57 Final Item Wording List (Subtask 6.2)

OMB and IMCD require documentation of the final CATI/CAPI screens used for data collection.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week prior to full-scale survey operations, an ASCII text file presenting all CATI windows will be delivered.

III.58 CAPI Executable (Subtask 6.3)

Based on the accepted Data Elements, the CATI and (identical) CAPI shall be developed.

Delivery specification:

Two (2) months prior to the start of CATI operations on the full-scale sample, the CAPI Executable shall be delivered.

III.59 Training Materials (Subtask 6.2)

Materials used for the training of survey staff, CATI/CAPI operators, and quality control monitors include mock interview sessions, glossaries of terms, procedures for refusal conversion, and procedures for system operations.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) week prior to full-scale survey operations, the Training Materials shall be delivered as Word or word compatible files.

III.60 Data files (Subtask 6.3)

The data collected during the full-scale operations shall be stored in a series of files for the analyses needed for the Methodology Report (included in user manual), the Descriptive Survey Report and for secondary analyses. (The documentation for the Data Files shall be user manuals and electronic codebooks.)

Delivery specifications:

Two (2) months following termination of survey operations, the data files shall be delivered as ASCII text files with fixed variable positions. The maximum record length shall be less than 1024 characters. One (1) month following acceptance of the Derived Variable Specifications (see subtask 4.1), an ASCII text file of derived variables shall be delivered.

III.61 User Manual and Codebook (Subtask 6.4)

All aspects of the full-scale collection activities and results shall be documented in the User Manual. Chapters within the Methodology Report shall include an introduction with a discussion of the history of ELS:2002 in general; a synopsis of the field test; a description of the collection systems developed; response rates for data elements- quality measures (quality control monitoring); system performance in terms of tracing/location rates and times, CATI yields, and CAPI yields; weighting and design effects; and significant problem areas.

Delivery specifications:

One (1) month following delivery of the Data Files, the User Manual shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. During the six month period of NCES publication review, this report shall be revised to reflect the concerns of (A) Division statistician review, (B) Associate Commissioner review, (C) Adjudicabon panel review, and (D) Chief statistician review.

III.62 Derived variable specifications (Subtask 7.1)

Approximately 250 new variables shall be specified as derivations from the 2002 data. These derived variables shall be composites of one or more variables that have the potential for inclusion within the Descriptive Survey Report. The classes of derived variables include school activities, extracurricular activities, labor force activities, family formation, life goals and values, and demographics.

Delivery specification:

Two (2) weeks prior to the eighth TRP meeting, a first draft of the Derived Variable Specifications shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Three (3) weeks following the sixth TRP meeting, the second draft of the Derived Variable Specifications shall be delivered as an ASCII text file with PC-SAS or SPSS-PC code detailing each specification. Two (2) months following termination of survey operations, the final Derived Variable Specifications shall be delivered as an ASCII text file with PC-SAS or SPSS-PC code detailing each specification including adjustments for missing values within the data.

III.63 Table shells (Subtask 7.1)

Sixty (60) shells for tables planned for inclusion within the Descriptive Survey Report shall be developed. Tables shall be specified with rows, columns, and sample filters for derived variables.

Delivery specification:

Two (2) weeks prior to the eighth TRP meeting, a first draft of the Table Shells shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Three (3) weeks following the third TRP meeting, the second draft of the Table Shells shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Two (2) months following termination of survey operations, the final Table Shells shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file detailing adjustments for low frequencies within the data.

III.64 Descriptive report outline (Subtask 7.1)

An annotated outline of the Descriptive Survey Report shall be developed. Table topics outlined shall include school activities, extracurricular activities, labor force activities, family formation, and life goals and values. Further, an essay (15-20 pages) on a policy relevant topic shall be included.

Delivery specification:



Two (2) weeks prior to the eighth TRP meeting, a first draft of the Descriptive Report Outline shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Three (3) weeks following the third TRP meeting, the second draft shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file. Two (2) months following termination of CATI/CAPI operations, the final Descriptive Report Outline shall be delivered as a Word or word compatible file.

III.65 Data Analysis System (Subtask 7.2)

Based on the 250 new derived variables a data analysis system shall be developed for the estimation of table values.

Delivery specification:

One (1) month following the acceptance of the derived variables data file, the Data Analysis System (DAS) shall be delivered.



IV. Inspection and Acceptance Procedures

The contractor shall consult with the NCES COTR before making any major decisions or developing

the required deliverables. To facilitate this communication, the contractor shall make frequent phone calls and visits to NCES to discuss potential project problems and progress. The contractor shall set up an electronic system for transferring information via electronic mail and microcomputers. In addition, the contractor shall provide the COTR access to files and systems within the Integrated Monitoring System and remote access for monitoring CATI operations (if CATI/CAPI is proposed).

The contractor shall prepare all reports following the guidelines referenced by NCES's standards. The NCES review process may take 2-6 months, depending on the report. It is paramount that schedules for publication releases be kept and that NCES standards for all phases of report production be followed. All materials must be approved before release. The contractor shall not release any data in raw or derived form to anyone without NCES's review and approval.


V. Additional Compliance Requirements

V.A. Protection of data

The confidentiality of individually identifiable information contained in documents, data, and other

information supplied by the National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education (NCES/ED) or acquired in the course of performance under this contract, furnshed under the provisions of section 406 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 122le-1), is a material aspect of the contract, and must be maintained, as provided in Paragraphs 4(A) through (F) of Section 406 of the General Education Provisions Act and 5 U.S.C. 552a. Therefore, the contractor shall maintain the confidentiality of all documents, data, and other information supplied by NCES/ED or acquired in the course of performance of this contract, except for any documents or other information specifically designated as nonconfidential by NCES/ED. The contractor shall take such measures as are necessary to maintain the required security.


V.B. Control file maintenance

The contractor shall store and keep all computer files, including all locator information and other

Control files, in a secure place for six years or until conveyed to NCES and written permission is given by

NCES through the Contracting Officer to otherwise dispose of the files.

V.C. Performance Indicators

Attachment B to the RFP is a list of Performance Indicators the COTR will use in monitoring this contract.

V.D. Staff Qualifications

The offeror shall provide staff who have technical expertise, knowledge, and experience in all areas related to this study. These areas include: educational research, secondary education survey methodology, complex statistics and sampling methodologies, imputation methodologies, the implementation of conversational CATI/CAPI/CADE systems, the development of integrated software systems such as the IMS, locating difficult to trace samples of individuals, field data collection, and gaining cooperation from a large and diverse number of people. Key personnel assigned to this project must have successful experience in: 1) studies of the transitions within and outside of education enviroments; 2) studies of the effects of individual and contextual variables on education, occupation, and personal development; 3) studies relating to minority concerns; and 4) studies of longitudinal data with many inter-related data sets.

The project director (PD) shall have experience in managing and conducting large scale surveys, preferably longitudinal surveys. The PD shall be a good problem solver, communicator, and team builder. The PD shall be capable of identifying problems early or anticipating them before they occur. Because of the nature of this project, the project director should either personally have or be closely assisted by someone who has expertise in the use of PC's and CATI/CAPI/CADE. If such a management team is proposed, there should be clear lines of authority and responsibility. Further, the offeror shall provide evidence that the management team has worked well together in the past. The project director (together with the technical director if a management team approach is proposed) shall have full-time commitment to the project and be prepared to maintain this commitment over the critical stages of the project.

Other key staff shall be persons with a long range commitment to the project. The competencies of these persons should compliment those of the project director. These individuals should be experienced in working as part of a project team. They shall be people with demonstrated ability to meet deadlines and produce high quality products within budget.

Last Modified: 08/23/2003