Attachment A
Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)
National Library of Education (NLE)

Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
Processing and Reference Facility
Statement of Work



Overview of This Statement of Work 1

Introduction 4

Part I. The ERIC Program 6

A. The ERIC Components 6

B. Reference Materials about ERIC 8

Part II. Scope of Work 8

A. Purpose 8

B. Scope of Work Specifications 9

Task 1. Database Development and Conversion to Online Electronic Processing 9

Subtask 1.1 Conversion to Online Electronic Processing 12

Subtask 1.2 Acquisitions 15

Subtask 1.3 Online File Transfer for RIE and CIJE 16

Subtask 1.4 Shipment of Documents to the ERIC Facility 16

Subtask 1.5 Edit RIE and CIJE 16

Subtask 1.6 Handling Problem Input - RIE and CIJE 18

Subtask 1.7 Data Entry for RIE and CIJE 18

Subtask 1.8 Resumes for RIE and CIJE 18

Subtask 1.9 Additional Processing Requirements for RIE 19

Subtask 1.10 RIE Production 19

Subtask 1.11 ERIC Digest Processing 20

Subtask 1.12 Database Development Alternatives 20

Task 2. Lexicography and Thesaurus Maintenance 20

Subtask 2.1 Online Electronic Resources 22

Subtask 2.2 Descriptor Activities for ERIC System 22

Subtask 2.3 ERIC Identifier Authority List (IAL) 23

Subtask 2.4 Vocabulary Authority File Maintenance 23

Subtask 2.5 Other Authority File Maintenance 24

Task 3. System Technical Support, Development and Training 24

Subtask 3.1 System Maintenance 25

Subtask 3.2 ERIC Program Office Technical Support 26

Subtask 3.3 Technical Assistance 26

Subtask 3.4 General Support Functions 27

Subtask 3.5 Reference Services and Collections 28

Subtask 3.6 Meetings and Conferences 29

Subtask 3.7 Innovative System Improvements 30

Task 4. Web/Electronic Initiatives 30

Subtask 4.1 Maintain an Internet/World Wide Web site and other electronic network services 30

Subtask 4.2 Participate in AskERIC and other system-wide electronic networking initiatives 31

Subtask 4.3 Host ERIC Database Online 31

Subtask 4.4 Technology Studies and New Initiatives 32

Task 5. Reports and Products 32

Subtask 5.1 Management Reports 33

Subtask 5.2 Publications 34

Subtask 5.3 Manuals 36

Subtask 5.4 Electronic Files and Related Products 37

Subtask 5.5 ERIC Documents and Related Products 38

Subtask 5.6 Newsletters, Handouts and Brochures 39

Subtask 5.7 Database Products for Public Sale 39

Subtask 5.8 Pricing and Sale of ERIC Products 40

Subtask 5.9 Miscellaneous 41

Subtask 5.10 New Products and Services 42

Task 6. Technical Computer Support 43

Subtask 6.1 Computer System Support 46

Subtask 6.2 Acquisition/Selection Files 46

Subtask 6.3 Database-Building 47

Subtask 6.4 Publication Preparation 48

Subtask 6.5 Authority List Maintenance 49

Subtask 6.6 Database Distribution 49

Subtask 6.7 Maintain State-of-the-Art 50

Task 7. ERIC Facility Management 50

Subtask 7.1 Brief the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) 51

Subtask 7.2 Develop and Maintain Management Systems and Procedures for Operating the ERIC Facility 51

Subtask 7.3 Manage ERIC Facility Staff 51

Subtask 7.4 ERIC Facility Staff Positions 52

Task 8. Special Projects 64

Part III. Equipment and Attachments 65

Abbreviations Used in This Statement of Work 66

Appendices (on microfiche)



APPENDICES (On Microfiche)

Microfiche copies of the Appendices are included as part of this Statement of Work package.

Appdx #




Access for All: A New National Library for Tomorrow’s Learners

ED 405 007


Rising Expectations: A Framework for ERIC’s Future in the National Library of Education—Report of the ERIC Operations Framework Task Force

ED 410 969


ERIC The First Fifteen Years, 1964-1979 (Trester)

ED 195 289


ERIC In Its Third Decade (Bencivenga)

ED 278 429


The Three Phases of ERIC (Stonehill and Brandhorst)

EJ 445 360


ERIC Annual Report (1998)

ED 344 615


ERIC User Services Manual (1997)

ED 418 253


ERIC Processing Manual (EPM) (1992)

ED 348 055


ERIC Processing Manual (EPM) -- Four New Sections in Draft



Resources in Education (RIE) -- Monthly Issue



Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)



ERIC Database Master File Documentation

(to accompany all distributions of the database)



ERIC Acquisitions Arrangements List (EAA)

(System-wide list of all formalized arrangements for the receipt of education-related literature from source institutions) (Partial)



Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors

A. Alphabetical Display (Partial)

B. Alphabetical Supplement

C. Rotated Display (Partial)

D. Hierarchical Display (Partial)



Identifier Authority List (IAL)

A. Alphabetical Display (Partial)

B. Alphabetical Supplement

C. Category Display (Partial)

D. Highly Posted Identifiers



Source Directory (all organizations preparing or sponsoring documents processed by ERIC)

A. Truncated Edition (1987-1991) (Partial)

B. Supplement



ERIC Facility Expenditure Report (Monthly) (Format Only)



Acquisitions Summary Report (Quarterly)

(ERIC Facility documents received, by source



Inventory of ERIC Publications and Forms in Stock (Partial)



Department of Education and Clearinghouse Documents in RIE



ERIC Clearinghouse Publications (Annual Bibliography)



Bibliography of Publications About ERIC (every 3 years) (Partial)



ERIC Network Directory (April 1999)

(system-wide address and telephone directory, with indexes)



ERIC Ready References (Set #1-19)


Overview of This Statement of Work

The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), the world's largest education information system, has provided service to teachers, administrators, researchers, librarians, policymakers and parents for over three decades.

ERIC’s mission is to improve American education by increasing and facilitating the use of educational research and information on practice in the activities of learning, teaching, educational decision making, and research, wherever and whenever these activities take place.

ERIC enables America's schools, communities and scholars to have ready access to the most up-to-date educational information, including: critical research results; evaluation studies and policy papers; exemplary curricular and instructional materials; and educational databases and statistical information.

The ERIC program is administered by the National Library of Education (NLE). ERIC will play a crucial role as the newest national library implements the recommendations of its Advisory Task Force, as laid out in Access for All: A New National Library for Tomorrow’s Learners (see Appendix 1), to fulfill its vision of:

"A future in which all persons have equal access to the information necessary to their personal and professional growth. To accomplish this goal, the National Library of Education will become the major national network providing access to education information through collections and other sources of education-related material."

The ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, a key component that enables the ERIC system to be the premier information provider for American education, is the subject of this Statement of Work.

Background Information

Nearly 3 years ago, the ERIC Operations Task Force was charged with developing a framework for ERIC as a 21st century information service. The Task Force’s report Rising Expectations (Appendix 2) summarizes the issues and dilemmas of providing patrons with timely, useful education information in a networked electronic world. The report addresses the issues of how to serve the public which now has continually rising expectations, and identifies the kinds of work ERIC must do in the future to be able to fulfill ERIC’s mission and provide the excellent service expected from the ERIC system. ERIC originated as an archival bibliographic database in the 1960s and has made good use of technological innovations in the last 30 years such as on-line search vendors and CD-ROM. In the 1990s, new technological developments such as widespread access to the World Wide Web (WWW) are resulting in an expanded role and functions for ERIC. The Report states that ERIC now can be seen as the "primary place for organizing, linking, describing, and making accessible all education resources in all formats." The question is how to continue to meet the needs of people who consider ERIC as their primary source of reliable and appropriate information about education, who are no longer satisfied with only print-based activities, who also consider Internet sites and services, non-print materials, software, electronic materials as important, and who demand immediate access to information and services. The Report challenges the ERIC system to become "[a] forward-looking, electronically aggressive ERIC, ...(that will) build in mechanisms that allow continual adaptation to the changing electronic environment to meet the needs of future ERIC users."

The Report identifies challenges that the ERIC System must address:

  • Delivery of full-text documents
  • Initiative to provide full-text education-related journal articles
  • Efficient, easy and nearly immediate access to the database resources
  • Inclusion of non-print materials and electronic resources

The Report also identifies recent initiatives that embrace the WWW and other technologies such as widespread use of e-mail by ERIC’s patrons, and that provide a clear direction for the "new" ERIC:

  • AskERIC question-answering service and virtual library
  • The National Parent Information Network
  • Search engine applications, such as the Wizard
  • CD-ROM access to the database, developed with private industry

Other initiatives such as the Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) and the Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) also provide direction for the 21st century ERIC.

In December of 1998, new contracts were awarded to all 16 subject area Clearinghouses. At the ERIC Directors and Technical Meeting in March 1999, the following areas were identified as critical:

  • utilization of technology for online, streamlined processing and editing;
  • accessibility of essential system resources, such as the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors, Identifier Authority List, and other tools on line;
  • availability of the database on-line and full-text documents;
  • examination of new and emerging technologies (including electronic journals); and
  • the necessity of contributing to the planned evaluation of the ERIC system to be undertaken in 2000.

With these issues and challenges in mind, the following statement of work for the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, a key component of the ERIC system, is the subject at hand.

The Statement of Work (SOW) is organized as follows:

  • The Introduction gives an overview of the ERIC system, states its mission, identifies its components, and notes the many ways users may gain access to ERIC and its services.
  • Part I gives more detail on the system's components.
  • Part II details the functions of the ERIC Facility and states the specific Scope of Work requirements for the contract to operate the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility.
  • Part III lists the Government equipment to be furnished to the contractor and the attachments to the Statement of Work.
  • The Appendices appear as microfiche and accompany the Request for Proposals (RFP) package.

Special Projects

The Government will consider -- and may select, pending availability of funds -- special projects to improve ERIC system performance and products beyond those which the SOW has specified by having the Facility, in coordination with the Clearinghouses, spearhead the development and application of new or improved processes, procedures, software, hardware, etc.

Definition of Terms

For the purposes of this SOW, the terms "ERIC Facility contractor," "Facility contractor," and "contractor" are used interchangeably to designate the contractor selected to operate the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility. The terms "Department" and "Government" are used interchangeably to designate the U.S. Department of Education. The term "Central ERIC" and "ERIC Program Office" are used interchangeably to designate the Government group within the Department of Education that is responsible for the operation of the ERIC Program.

The term "STAR" is used to designate the commercial off-the-shelf bibliographic/data management system, available from Cuadra Associates, Inc., and currently used to maintain the ERIC database. Although the term is brand-specific, the term is intended to define the function generically; the offeror may propose alternative equivalent software.

The term "RIE" is used in two ways: (1) to designate that portion of the ERIC database that consists of documents (as distinct from journal articles) and (2) to designate a monthly printed publication itemizing new additions to the RIE portion of the database.

The ERIC Processing Manual, hereafter cited as EPM (refer to Appendix 8) contains an extensive Glossary of Terms which will help Offerors better understand ERIC system terminology and other technical terms used in this Statement of Work. ERIC System Terminology: A Selected List of Terms and Acronyms (Attachment 12) contains an abbreviated glossary of ERIC system terminology.


The authority for this competition is Public Law 103-227—Goals 2000: Educate America Act—Title IX, Part D, Section 941 (f)(1) enacted on March 31,1994. The ERIC program is administered and this recompetition is conducted under the authority of NLE pursuant to the direction of OERI and ED following the 1994 reauthorization and reorganization of OERI.



The Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a national education information network designed to provide users with ready access to the education literature. Established in 1966 to make government-sponsored educational research available from a single source, ERIC's mission has expanded to include collecting, analyzing, abstracting and indexing reports, speeches, dissertations, brochures, pamphlets, proceedings, books, journal articles, and many other published and unpublished materials acquired by the system. As the millennium approaches, ERIC faces new challenges and decisions on capturing significant educational materials in new and changing formats, such as electronic text, images, video, and multimedia.

Since its modest beginning as a function to control the Office of Education's research report literature, ERIC has grown to be the world's largest repository of education literature and the world's largest education database (Attachment 1).

The ERIC database itself is a machine readable file which contains almost 1,000,000 bibliographic records (in the form of resumes which contain some 20 fields of cataloging, indexing and abstracting information) of ERIC Documents (e.g., reports, speeches, dissertations, brochures, pamphlets, proceedings and books) and ERIC Journal references (i.e., resumes, similar to those created for documents) of education-related articles appearing in the journal literature.

ERIC Clearinghouses create approximately 13,000-14,000 resumes for documents entering the database each year and forward both the resumes and the corresponding documents to the Facility for review and editing. ERIC Documents and their resumes (the label "ED" stands for ERIC Document) are processed (edited, checked for duplicates, corrected, etc.) by the ERIC Facility. The Facility is responsible for entering the information into the database and forwarding documents to the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) for capture on film and in electronic format. Historically approximately 1,000 of the documents are rejected and 12,000-13,000 are entered into the database.

ERIC Clearinghouses continually review approximately 1,000 education or education-related journals in order to identify significant articles (labeled "EJ" for ERIC Journal article) for the database. Approximately 18,000-20,000 journal articles enter the database yearly. The article resumes created for the system are quite similar to those for ERIC Documents save for two differences -- journal articles have short 50-word abstracts, called "annotations" and, historically, ERIC has not made available microfiche copies of articles.

The database is the core of the ERIC system. Two major publications are produced as products of the ERIC database, Resources in Education (RIE) and Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE).

RIE announces the latest documents that have entered the ERIC database. RIE consists of a resume section of document abstracts and an index section with separate Subject, Author, Institution, and Publication Type indexes. In addition, Oryx Press publishes an annual accumulation of RIE resumes and indexes.

CIJE is the journal that announces the latest articles that have entered the database. CIJE consists of a main entry section that includes journal resumes complete with cataloging, indexing information and a 50-word abstract/annotation for each entry and an index section for Subject, Author, and Journal Contents indexes.

The ERIC system also has a number of other products. In addition to having resumes of documents in the computerized database, approximately 90% of those documents are also captured on film for sale to the public by the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) as paper copies or microfiche. Also, concurrent with filming, current and recent documents are captured electronically and made available in full-text page images on the World Wide Web. ERIC microfiche collections are found in about 1,000 locations throughout the world, including locations in every state and in more than 60 countries. In addition to the microfiche collections, most of these locations also provide clients with ERIC database search services, either online or on CD-ROM available from the Facility and commercial vendors.

Each year the Clearinghouses and ERIC's support contractors (ACCESS ERIC, EDRS, and the ERIC Facility) generate hundreds of publications, including monographs, ERIC Digests, annotated bibliographies, Parent Brochures, prepackaged database searches, and system technical publications, and answer thousands of questions from all over the world.

The ERIC Facility also sells electronic copies of the ERIC Master File to some 50 organizations world-wide.

In 1992, a new service, AskERIC (originating at the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology), was launched on the Internet to help answer education questions posed via e-mail and web inquiries by students, teachers, administrators and the general public. In 1998, AskERIC responded by e-mail to more than 43,000 questions.

Over 3,000 locations around the world receive ERIC materials on a regular basis. The United States Government Printing Office (GPO) has approximately 1,000 domestic and international subscribers who receive the printed edition of RIE every month. GPO also sends approximately 1,200 printed copies of RIE and 700 microfiche copies of CIJE to depository libraries throughout the United States, while 78 foreign institutions and libraries receive RIE from the Library of Congress as part of its international exchange program. Oryx Press, the publisher of CIJE, reports that there are approximately 900 subscriptions to CIJE, including over 400 from foreign countries.

Users may access the ERIC database at over 1,000 locations world-wide, including libraries, schools, businesses and their own homes. At these sites they may use periodical catalogs of current documents, computer terminals with CD-ROM capability or online computer access via the Internet (e.g., AskERIC) or commercial database vendors.

To get other ERIC services, e.g., publications, brochures, have questions answered, etc., users may call any of the Clearinghouses or support contractors (e.g. ACCESS ERIC). All ERIC components have 800 numbers.


Part I. The ERIC Program

The ERIC system was created by the U.S. Office of Education (now the U.S. Department of Education) and it continues to be funded and administered by the Department through the Office of Educational Research and Improvement’s (OERI) National Library of Education (NLE). The Department is committed to an improved ERIC program which effectively and comprehensively serves the information needs of American education.

A. The ERIC Components

Managed by the ERIC program staff in the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)/National Library of Education (NLE), the ERIC system consists of 16 Clearinghouses, approximately a dozen Adjunct Clearinghouses and several system support components. These support components include the ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, ACCESS ERIC, the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS), and public and private publishers (for example, Oryx Press) (Attachment 1).

The ERIC program staff plans system-wide activities, establishes program policy, prepares budget requests and justifications, and sets future directions. All system contractors work under the technical direction of ERIC program monitors, who closely oversee the operations of the ERIC system, provide technical guidance, ensure adherence to quality control procedures, approve the development of new materials and services, and review and approve documents and products supported by OERI/NLE funds.

The ERIC Processing and Reference Facility--the subject of this Statement of Work--is the technical and quality control hub of the system. The Facility serves all components of the ERIC system through its editing and technical support functions. Its major responsibilities are to: update, expand, and maintain the ERIC database; acquire documents for the system from the Federal area; coordinate ERIC's document processing activities; maintain technical quality control of the database, the authority lists and ERIC Thesaurus terms; send copies of the database and related publications to database vendors and publishers; distribute the NISC CD-ROM version of the database; provide technical assistance on database functions; and answer public inquiries and reference requests about the ERIC system and database.

Located around the country, the 16 ERIC Clearinghouses (Attachment 1) are responsible for acquiring and processing, synthesizing, and disseminating information about a particular aspect or subject area of education.

Associated with existing Clearinghouses, Adjunct Clearinghouses acquire, process and disseminate information in specialized subject areas. They are funded from resources other than the ERIC program, though they must follow all ERIC standards for document processing and publications. Currently, there are approximately twelve adjunct Clearinghouses.

ACCESS ERIC coordinates ERIC’s outreach and system-wide dissemination activities; develops new ERIC publications; and provides general reference and referral services. Publications and directories include A Pocket Guide to ERIC, All About ERIC, The ERIC Review, ERIC Users’ Interchange, the Catalog of ERIC Clearinghouse Publications, the ERIC Calendar of Education-Related Conferences, the ERIC Directory of Education-Related Information Centers, and the Directory of ERIC Resource Collections. ACCESS ERIC also produces a series of Parent Brochures and maintains the ERIC system-wide Web site and the ERIC News listserv.

The ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) produces and sells microfiche and paper copies of documents announced in Resources in Education (RIE). Beginning in 1996-97, as documents are filmed they are also scanned so they can be made available electronically. EDRS is gradually making older documents available in electronic format on a continuing basis. Back collections of ERIC documents, cumulative indexes, and other ERIC microfiche products are also available from EDRS. On-demand reprints of ERIC documents can be ordered, in microfiche or paper copy, by mail, by telephone (1-800-443-ERIC), by FAX, through the OCLC Interlibrary Loan system, or through most of the online vendors. In 1998, EDRS responded to over 11,000 "on-demand" orders for ERIC document reprints.

ERIC also relies on the public and private sectors to produce and disseminate ERIC materials. Among these is the Oryx Press, a commercial publishing firm which publishes and sells Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE), the index to the journal articles cited in the ERIC database. Oryx Press also publishes the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors. The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) prints and sells Resources in Education (RIE), an index of the non-journal education literature. In addition, GPO distributes several ERIC products on microfiche to depository libraries, including CIJE and selected documents published or collected by ERIC that were produced with federal financial support.

The interactions among ERIC system components are shown in Attachment 4.

B. Reference Materials about ERIC

As a program with over 30 years of continuous service, ERIC has an extensive technical and conceptual history, (Appendices 3-5) and correspondingly, a complexity that may not be readily apparent to those who do not have extensive experience with the system. Therefore, the Statement of Work is accompanied by a series of Attachments (listed in Part III) and Appendices (listed in the Table of Contents and accompanying the RFP package in microfiche format) that contain both the system documentation and selected key historical literature on ERIC.


Part II. Scope of Work

A. Purpose

In its role as a centralized information processing organization serving all the components of the ERIC system, the ERIC Facility works with the following: the ERIC Program Office, the 16 ERIC Clearinghouses, adjunct Clearinghouses, EDRS, ACCESS ERIC, GPO, which publishes Resources in Education (RIE), the commercial publisher of the Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE), libraries and ERIC users. The Facility operates under the technical direction of the ERIC Program Office Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR), who provides technical guidance, approves the development of new materials and services, arbitrates any disagreements between the Facility and the Clearinghouses, and reviews and approves documents and products.

The ERIC Facility serves as the technical and quality control hub of the system. In that role, the bulk of its activities relate to overseeing the technical excellence and production of the ERIC database and related products. It obtains documents and forwards them to the appropriate Clearinghouses for their processing, provides technical and editorial support to the Clearinghouses in entering documents into the database, prepares Clearinghouse resume input information for computer processing and manages all of the technical aspects (editing, duplicate checking, etc.) of the database itself. It manages the process of creating the ERIC Master File via STAR, a bibliographic/data management system mounted on the Facility’s own computers. From this database, the Facility publishes on paper or electronically a variety of directories, indexes, and compilations (monthly, semi-annually and annually) for specific internal use and general public distribution. However, the current production cycles should be examined with an eye toward increasing the frequency of information/data updates and distribution (i.e., monthly updates to RIE might become weekly updates available electronically). These efficiencies should be introduced, where applicable, to the tasks described throughout this SOW.

The Facility also performs the key system functions of editing and managing the Thesaurus development process, including descriptors and identifiers. This involves purview over approximately 6,500 descriptors and 60,000 identifiers. The Thesaurus, along with many other resources, shall be made available electronically to the Clearinghouses and the Support Contractors during the base year of this contract.

The Facility also provides services to users through its attendance at conferences and through numerous ERIC system publications, trains Clearinghouse personnel in uniform processing procedures, provides direct reference services and gives technical assistance to states and other organizations to foster ERIC compatibility with their systems.

The Facility exercises a vital role in assuring the quality and timeliness of the ERIC database, in enabling the ERIC system to improve and expand its products and services to a broad and diverse constituency, and in disseminating ERIC products that will reach new audiences.

B. Scope of Work Specifications

The Facility Scope of Work covers the following six tasks: Database Development; Lexicography and Thesaurus Development; System Support, Development and Training; Reports and Products; Technical Computer Support; and ERIC Facility Management. Major operations and processes are described in the ERIC Processing Manual (EPM) (Appendix 8). Major products and deliverables are identified in the ERIC Facility Products and Reports List (Attachment 3).

Task 1. Database Development and Conversion to Online Electronic Processing

General Tasks

The role of the Facility in database building is critical; it serves as the central, final focal point in the processing cycle for entering approximately 12,000-13,000 documents (approximately another 500-700 documents are rejected after review) and approximately 18,000-20,000 journal articles annually into the database. While the Facility and Clearinghouses acquire documents for the database, the Clearinghouses are responsible for the initial processing of documents, following the specifications detailed in the ERIC Processing Manual (EPM).

The Facility then exerts quality control of input by assuring compliance with the EPM and educational relevance.

Database development covers the many processes necessary to enter document and article resumes into the machine-readable ERIC Database Master File on a scheduled update cycle and other related functions, e.g., resume editing, preparation of documents for microfilming, and production of the monthly journals Resources in Education (RIE) (Appendix 10) and Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE) (Appendix 11). The ERIC Processing Manual (EPM) contains the system guidelines for processing RIE and CIJE material.

Due to increased demands for availability and access to information contained in the ERIC database, the need to move to a more electronic environment for database development has become evident. Although the tasks necessary to develop the database will remain essentially the same, online processing techniques will impact the ways in which Clearinghouses interact with the Facility as well as how the Facility disseminates the data. These new electronic techniques are expected to substantially reduce the time required for a document entering the processing cycle to become available to the public. In order to satisfy the current work-flow within the ERIC system, the conversion to full electronic processing shall be phased in during the base year of the contract. Evaluation during subsequent years of the contract shall further refine these processes in order to provide even greater efficiencies. Below are the general tasks for database development that shall occur in this new electronic environment. (It is important to note, however, that management of the physical documents forwarded to EDRS for filming/imaging, will continue essentially unchanged for the base year of the contract.)

Database Development - Documents. The process of database development usually begins with ERIC Clearinghouses as they identify, acquire and select unpublished reports, studies, seminar papers, and similar materials called "fugitive" literature. Clearinghouses catalog, create abstracts (200 words in length), and index fugitive materials as well as a selected number of published books. In addition to the documents acquired by the Clearinghouses, the ERIC Facility acquires between 3,500-4,000 documents per year that are distributed to the appropriate Clearinghouses for processing.

The Clearinghouse role in database development for ERIC Documents covers acquiring, selecting, cataloging, indexing, abstracting documents for further processing by the ERIC Facility. Prior to cataloging, each Clearinghouse is required to screen out duplicates, assure that selected documents meet system requirements of education-relatedness, obtain reproduction releases (if required), meet reproducibility standards for microfiche copying, etc. (EPM Section 2, Acquisitions; Section 3, Selection; Section 4, Handling and Shipping; Section 5, Cataloging; Section 6, Abstracting/Annotating; and Section 7, Indexing).

Currently Clearinghouses electronically transmit document resumes weekly (containing indexed descriptors, cataloging data and an abstract of about 1,800-2,000 characters in length) to the ERIC Facility. Concurrently, the actual documents are also shipped to the ERIC Facility. The Facility checks and edits the resumes for entry into the ERIC Master File and forwards the documents to EDRS for filming and scanning.

Database Development - Journal Articles. The editing of CIJE records is currently shared with the publisher of CIJE. The Facility editorial role is limited to the following: (1) resolution of all

flagged potential duplicate titles; (2) resolution of any duplicate Clearinghouse Accession numbers; (3) confirmation of the bibliographic data provided for A one-shot articles from journals not regularly covered: ISSN, journal name, availability from publisher; (4) review of all

Descriptors (to detect invalid Descriptors not in the Thesaurus or inappropriate Descriptors); (5) review of all Identifiers flagged as not in the IAL (to correct improper forms and to approve new terms for the IAL). The CIJE publisher role is to edit all other CIJE bibliographic data for accuracy (i.e., Author, Title, Journal Name, ISSN, Note). For this they make use of the page from the journal that contains journal name, volume, number, and date (Xeroxed by the Clearinghouses and sent along with the log sheets). When the Facility has completed its

editing of CIJE data, the data are transmitted to the CIJE publisher for its portion of the editorial work, including the assignment of final EJ accession numbers. The data are then returned to the Facility for integration into the ERIC master files.

Master File Production. The Facility creates ERIC Master File (Appendix 12) updates – currently monthly -- using STAR or equivalent software in accordance with the RIE Master Schedule (Attachment 4). The ERIC Master File updates serve as the source vehicle for ERIC's two publications, Resources in Education (RIE) and Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE), and are distributed to many other sources, e.g., vendors, EDRS, etc.

RIE Production. In producing each new issue of RIE, the incumbent ERIC Facility contractor produces camera-ready copy of RIE, including front and back cover material and forwards the issues to Central ERIC for delivery to the Government Printing Office (GPO) for publishing and distribution of copies (the ERIC Facility distributes annually world-wide approximately 2,000 complimentary copies of RIE received from the GPO).

Microfiche Production. Concurrently, the ERIC Facility forwards to EDRS the accumulation of documents (accompanied by matching computer-generated Document Resume forms) and transmits via FTP the RIE update data for the microfiche for input into the system and a ERIC Master File. EDRS films and scans the documents and resumes for their sale as ERIC microfiche, electronic format, or paper copies.

CIJE Production. A copy of the ERIC Journal Citation (EJ) electronic data file, created by the ERIC Facility’s STAR or equivalent software – currently weekly -- is also forwarded to the CJIE publisher for its own editing of the abstract journal CIJE. After editing and production of CIJE, the CIJE publisher returns the file to the Facility for distribution and incorporation into the ERIC Master File.

Master File Distribution. Copies of the Master File -- currently in monthly, quarterly and annual versions -- are distributed to vendors and other customers as ordered generally through File Transfer Protocol (FTP). However, there are presently a few customers receiving tape copies, which shall be phased out by January, 2000. Database customers currently number approximately 50.

ERIC Digests. The ERIC Facility also plays a key role in processing ERIC Digests (Attachment 5). ERIC Digests are brief, two-page documents summarizing current information on specific "hot topics" in education. In the past few years, ERIC Digests have become one of ERIC's most popular products. Approximately 2,500 ERIC Digests have been issued in print, of which most have been processed and announced in RIE.

ERIC Digest File Online. ERIC Digests appear in RIE as individual, separate, entries. However, since 1991, the full-text of all ERIC Digests are required to be transmitted by ERIC Clearinghouses at the same time as the corresponding resume is transmitted for RIE. The full-text records are stored as a separate file -- the ERIC Digest File Online (the "EDO" file) at the ERIC Facility and made available to subscribers as a separate product. (Note: EDO is made available to database subscribers at no extra cost. Currently, approximately 2,000 of the latest ERIC Digests appear in the ERIC Digest File Online file. The EDO file is offered by a number of vendors and institutions, e.g., DIALOG, Silver Platter, and the U.S Department of Education web site.

The Contractor shall send EDO as an electronic file to vendors and other users, on purchase or free basis (as determined by the ERIC Program Office).

Specific Tasks

As described in Background Information, (p. 1) new technologies exist that can be exploited to facilitate electronic processing of materials, improving speed, efficiency and availability of ERIC materials. The Facility contractor shall be responsible for: conversion to online electronic processing acquisitions, online data entry, handling shipments of documents, duplicate checking and editing of input to RIE and CIJE.

Subtask 1.1 Conversion to Online Electronic Processing

The proposal shall include plans to study the best way for ERIC to implement a computer-based online editing system for document processing that will improve the efficiency, accuracy, and consistency of the editing process for the ERIC system. Upon award of a contract, and after consultation with the COTR, the contractor shall compare and examine existing online editing systems (such as, but not limited to, those used by the ERIC Clearinghouse for Information and Technology, the ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education and the ERIC Clearinghouse for Reading, English and Communication) and others as deemed appropriate, evaluating all systems on the basis of efficiency, cost-effectiveness and any other factors deemed significant. By June 1, 2000, the contractor shall produce a comprehensive report of the results of its study of existing online editing systems for document processing.

The report shall:

  • Recommend a system (with any necessary modifications) which will enable the ERIC system to accomplish online the key tasks required for input and processing in the most efficient, cost-effective and realistic way, and include in its evaluation such factors, as staff, hardware, software, etc., for the ERIC Facility and Clearinghouses.
  • Provide detailed plans (including milestone charts, staffing, hardware, software, software modifications, cost projections, etc.) for implementing its recommendation, in a phased approach, using three or four clearinghouses to initiate the new system by getting online by December 31, 2000, with the remaining Clearinghouses tied into the new system by the end of the second quarter of the 1st option year, June 30 2001.
  • Provide plans for verification of the system functionality with the ERIC Clearinghouses and other ERIC components.

The initial system that is recommended and implemented shall be accessible over the Internet using Netscape 4 or higher and Internet Explorer 4 or higher, and based on a comprehensive Web browser accessible electronic processing system which shall, at a minimum:

  • Provide for the use of standardized electronic templates for live resume editing by editors working online at the Clearinghouses and for the upload of resume data from editors working offline at remote locations.
  • Provide access to up-to-date authority lists and edit checks. The system shall facilitate error and duplicate detection and correction at the point of entry. Existing online processing modules currently used at the ERIC Facility, such as the Documents in Process (DIP) module and the Acquisitions Data Report (ADR), shall be incorporated or replaced with the new system in order to ensure the entry of correct data once and only once during processing.
  • Make available through electronic means other essential system resources and help tools, such as the ERIC Processing Manual, ERIC Acquisition Arrangements File, the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors, the Identifier Authority List, and the ERIC Source Directory (see Task 2).
  • Integrate the resources and tools into the document processing system to facilitate efficient selection of valid terms, quick reference to pertinent processing guidance, and other improvements.
  • Be implemented in such a way as to avoid any disruption in the current workflow of the Clearinghouses or delay of service to the public.

In addition, the system shall:

  • Provide for correctly-sized fields for all data elements.
  • Provide on-line help with regard to all data elements.
  • Provide lookup and cut and past routines for identifiers, descriptors, and institution codes.
  • Incorporate spell checking.
  • Verify descriptor field entries.
  • Check for duplicate entries against past editions of RIE and CIJE, as well as the ADR and DIP.
  • Provide for the creation and printing of electronic transmittal cover sheets.
  • Provide for each Clearinghouse administrative options for record keeping, developing Clearinghouse reports, and for reviewing and approving draft citations before transmittal to the ERIC Facility.

In concert with implementing the new online editing system for document input, the contractor shall:

  • Verify the system functionality with the Clearinghouses and other ERIC components in accordance with the plans provided in the recommendation report (see above).
  • Develop and implement documentation manuals and a detailed training program for Clearinghouse staff during the base year. (see Task 3).
  • Evaluate the new system on a continuing basis to determine its impact on processing and, in particular, subtasks 1.1 through 1.9 in order to determine and apply even greater or other efficiencies during the first option year. Evaluation reports shall be included in the Monthly Narrative Report and provided to the COTR. The format of the evaluation portion of the Monthly Narrative Report shall be developed in concert with the COTR; however, it is expected that the reports shall include, but not be limited to system performance statistics, problem areas, and suggested low/no cost improvements/enhancements to the new system.
  • Conduct sessions at ERIC Technical Meetings and other suitable opportunities to ensure that the system, training, and documentation meet the needs of Clearinghouses and other ERIC components and to identify further enhancements.

The Government believes that the system, if accompanied by an effective training program for Clearinghouse staff, can result in dramatic improvements to the efficiency and timeliness of document processing and the quality of Clearinghouse submissions. The Government believes the system can reduce the need for painstaking examination, editing, and correction of each document resume submitted and can lead to significant streamlining of the Facility’s document handling procedures.

After conversion to the electronic processing system has been implemented, the contractor shall examine the established schedules and cycles, which are currently based on monthly cycles largely because of the traditional monthly printing of RIE and CIJE and sales to vendors and the public. A distinction can be drawn between the internal frequency of updating the ERIC Master File and the external frequency of sending ERIC data to GPO for RIE, the publisher for CIJE, and to the online and CD-ROM vendors, as well as other database subscribers. Vendor and database subscribers usually receive data either monthly or quarterly, in keeping with established update cycles for their use of the ERIC database file. However, the internal ERIC Facility Master File could be updated more frequently and the resultant new data made available by the Facility with the same frequency. The contractor shall recommend modifications that take advantage of opportunities afforded by the new electronic methods, yet continue to serve customer needs. Upon approval by the COTR, the contractor shall implement the recommended changes.

Subtask 1.2 Acquisitions

The contractor shall establish and maintain an acquisitions program to ensure input of significant educational documents from specifically assigned sources (e.g., State Departments of Education, other Federal agencies, other than OERI and ED). The ERIC Facility shall be responsible for maintaining the current 270 acquisitions arrangements (resulting in approximately a quarter of the total documents processed by the system) and shall coordinate system-wide activities to avoid duplication in acquiring documents and articles. See Appendix 8, EPM, Section II, "Acquisitions," for information on ERIC requirements governing the acquiring of documents for the system. A flowchart of ERIC Facility acquisition operations appears as Attachment 6.

The ERIC Facility contractor shall carry out the following acquisitions-related activities.

a. Computerized Document Control System

Concurrent with the phasing in of online electronic processing, the contractor shall maintain a computerized integrated (e.g., enhanced DIP/ADR capabilities) document control system which shall help ensure the systematic processing and tracking of all documents entered into the system. The system is to be centrally accessible by all ERIC Clearinghouses and meet the criteria as described in Subtask 1.1 above and shall be done in conjunction with the new online processing system.

b. Federal Documents

The contractor shall solicit documents from all Federal agencies; State Departments of Education; foreign, international, and inter-governmental organizations; major education associations and foundations; and general education publishers. Refer to the publication, ERIC Acquisitions Arrangements, p. B-1-19 (Appendix 13), for more information.

c. Redirect Documents

The contractor shall forward documents that it acquires to appropriate Clearinghouses within 5 working days of receipt and maintain a document tracking record of all such referrals.

Subtask 1.3 Online File Transfer for RIE and CIJE Input (Including EDO Input)

Currently, Clearinghouses are required to transmit their data to the ERIC Facility on a weekly basis via e-mail.

Subtask 1.4 Shipment of Documents to the ERIC Facility

The contractor shall routinely check to assure that each weekly transmission by ERIC Clearinghouses of RIE resumes online is followed by the shipment of the actual documents and is accompanied by log sheets that identify the contents.

Subtask 1.5 Edit RIE and CIJE

The contractor shall exercise responsibility for the editing of the information that goes into the ERIC database and for publications (e.g., Abstract journals and Indexes) generated from the database. In carrying out that responsibility, the ERIC Facility shall annually edit approximately 12,000-14,000 RIE and 18,000-20,000 CIJE resumes.

The editing process shall include physically inspecting and correcting documents and document resumes, as well as computer-assisted editing and review by editors.

The Government anticipates that the implementation of an effective online editing/validation system as required in Subtask 1.1 and an effective and sustained training program for Clearinghouse abstracting/indexing staff is likely to result in high-quality submissions from the Clearinghouses, which will require less editorial attention at the Facility and thus, reduce processing time for the database. The ultimate goal is to improve Clearinghouse input to the point where intensive review by the ERIC Facility staff is no longer required and can be replaced by spot-checking. The Government anticipates this will occur by the second quarter of the first option year of the contract.

To carry out Subtask 1.5 the contractor shall:

a. Computerized Editing and Checking Functions

Use the ERIC Facility’s computer for computerized validation of data in RIE and CIJE. Average weekly input for documents is 270-300 (based on 13,000-14,000 documents submitted per year and 12,000-13,000 of those accepted) and the average length of a document record is 2,000 characters. For CIJE, the average weekly input is approximately 400-430 articles (based on approximately 18,000-20,000 articles per year) and the average length of the article resume is 1,000-1,200 characters.

b. Non-Computerized Editing and Checking Functions

In concert with the computerized editing functions, a physical inspection and editing of RIE and CIJE resumes shall also be used to identify duplicates, discrepancies, missing data fields, etc. Human editors use the results of the computerized validation reports, along with a physical inspection of the document, and a comparison of the bibliographic data submitted by the Clearinghouse against the data appearing on the document itself. Specifically, the Facility editors:


  • Check the accuracy of the bibliographic data, indexing, and abstract
  • Check for adherence to all EPM guidelines pertaining to cataloging,

indexing, and abstract preparation

  • Check that documents adhere to ERIC’s and/or the Clearinghouse’s scope of


  • Ensure that all relevant document data has been properly captured in the


  • Ensure that the document is physically complete and pages and attachments

are in proper sequence.

  • Resolve flagged potential duplicates
  • Check to see if proper Level (of reproduction permission) has been

assigned and that the document includes the signed reproduction releases

and appropriate stickers


  • Review and accept/correct all Identifiers flagged as not in the IAL

Authority List

  • Review and check for accuracy all bibliographic data relating to

one-shot articles

  • Review/correct invalid Descriptors
  • Resolve and correct records flagged as potential duplicates
  • Resolve and correct all records that have duplicated existing

Clearinghouse Accession Numbers

All other CIJE editing is to be done by the CIJE publisher.

Subtask 1.6 Handling Problem Input - RIE and CIJE

Documents and bibliographic input for RIE or CIJE that have serious problems (out of scope, inappropriate, missing material, etc.) which prevent processing into the database shall be withdrawn from the processing cycle, pending resolution of deficiencies. If possible, the contractor shall correct simple input problems at the ERIC Facility contractor's site (e.g., making a clear photocopy of a faded page). For more serious deficiencies, the contractor shall contact the responsible Clearinghouse and negotiate a resolution of the problem or, if the problem cannot be fixed, return the submission to the attention of the Director of the originating Clearinghouse within seven working days after its detection by Facility staff.

Subtask 1.7 Data Entry for RIE and CIJE

The contractor shall enter all edited and error-free data into the database update cycle according to the guidelines set in the EPM, especially Section IX, "Data Entry."

Subtask 1.8 Resumes for RIE and CIJE

Single-frame resumes--two complete sets in camera-ready copy--shall be produced by the contractor for every RIE document entered into the system (Attachment 7). Approximately 12,000-13,000 RIE single frame resume forms per year should be anticipated. No single frame resumes are required for CIJE.

The ERIC Facility contractor shall distribute the sets of RIE resumes as follows:

a. RIE Resume Distribution

Distribute copies from the first complete set of RIE resumes to the Clearinghouses that input the related documents. Copies from the second set shall be attached to their respective documents and accompany the documents to EDRS for microfilming. Resumes for U.S. Department of Education publications and reports shall be forwarded to the COTR.

Subtask 1.9 Additional Processing Requirements for RIE

In addition to the editing procedures identified above, the contractor shall perform the following activities:

a. Inspection

Physically inspect all documents to ensure they meet the ERIC system standards.

b. Reproduction Release Form and Label

Verify that each RIE document submitted by a Clearinghouse contains a completed ERIC Reproduction Release Form (Attachment 8) as the last page of the document and a reproduction release label on the front of the document, reflecting that permission. Use of these labels is described in the EPM, Section IV, "Handling and Shipping." Documents submitted under Blanket Arrangements must be verified via the ERIC Acquisition Arrangements file

c. Pagination

Paginate (re-paginate) all acceptable documents according to ERIC system rules (i.e., each numbered page equals one microfilm/microfiche frame), match them with their appropriate document resumes, and ship to EDRS. For further information see Appendix 8, EPM, Section V, ("Cataloging").

d. Priority Documents

Process Priority Documents into the database in the next available issue of RIE. Priority documents are those forwarded to the Clearinghouses by the ERIC Facility with a request for quick processing into the database. All priority documents shall have the approval of the Facility COTR. The Facility contractor shall catalog, create abstracts, index and otherwise fully process occasional Priority Documents into the system when time does not permit their processing by a Clearinghouse.

Subtask 1.10 RIE Production

To keep RIE production on schedule as negotiated by ED and GPO after contract award, the contractor shall:

a. Production Schedule

Develop and strictly follow a "Master Schedule." A sample is shown in Attachment 4. This schedule shall be followed to insure that the RIE electronic data file and accompanying materials reach GPO on time.

  1. RIE Production

Produce the camera-ready copy, including front and back matter. Front and back material requires a number of changes (e.g., ED number sequence, date), to tailor it for the current issue.

Produce an RIE electronic data file for EDRS -- currently on a monthly schedule -- used to create microfiche headers. Upon the implementation of the online electronic processing system, items 1.1 through 1.9 will be reviewed and simplified.

Subtask 1.11 ERIC Digest Processing

The contractor shall process approximately 150-160 ERIC Digests in full text annually for RIE and the ERIC Digest File Online (EDO). To accomplish those tasks, the contractor shall:

a. RIE Input Requirements for ERIC Digests

Adhere to processing requirements detailed in Appendix 8, EPM, Section IX.C, "General Guidelines/Rules for the Preparation and Transmission of Data," as they apply to entering Digests into the regular RIE file.

b. EDO Requirements for ERIC Digests

Process full-text Digests according to the requirements detailed in Appendix 8, EPM, Section IX.E. "ERIC Digests: Preparation of Digest Full-Text Data." The EDO file shall be updated with approximately 150-160 Digests annually.

Subtask 1.12 Database Development Alternatives

At the request of the COTR, the contractor shall review database development procedures and recommend new or revised methods for improving them.


Task 2. Lexicography and Thesaurus Maintenance

General Tasks

The ERIC Facility is charged with the maintenance and expansion of three files: the ERIC Thesaurus file, the Identifier Authority file and the Source file. The development and implementation of the new online data processing system described in Subtask 1.1 above will require that these (and other) resources also be placed online, updated promptly as new entries are approved, and integrated with the new system for access by the Clearinghouses. Training in the use of these new electronic resources shall be necessary for Facility personnel and Clearinghouse staff, and shall be conducted on a routine schedule by the Facility (see Task 3).

The principal published products of those files are the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors (Appendix 14); the Identifier Authority List (IAL) (Appendix 15) and the internal publication the ERIC Source Directory (Appendix 16). For further information, see Appendix 8, EPM, Section VIII, "Vocabulary Development," Parts 1 and 2.

The Thesaurus contains the vocabulary for the indexing and retrieval of ERIC database material. It provides standard, controlled, subject-concept entries for use in printed indexes and computer files. All entries represent concepts found in actual documents and articles processed by the system.

The computer Thesaurus file is used to generate both working copies of the ERIC Thesaurus (for internal use by ERIC system components) and in the publication of the Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors by the Oryx Press. The Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors is currently in its 13th Edition, with a 14th planned for mid-2000. Approximately 80-100 new descriptors are added to the Thesaurus file each year.

The ERIC Thesaurus has several displays: the Alphabetical Display, the Rotated Display, the Two-Way Hierarchical Display, and the Descriptor Group Display. Working copies are generated for ERIC system personnel on an as-needed basis (see Appendix 14).

In addition to descriptors, the ERIC indexing vocabulary uses Identifiers. Identifiers are "semi-controlled terms intended to add a depth to indexing that is not always possible with Descriptors alone." Identifiers are found in the Identifier Authority List (IAL). The IAL contains the Alphabetical Display, and the Category Display (see Appendix 15).

The Facility contractor reviews new terms, revises/updates old terms and coordinates the operation of the Vocabulary Review Group (VRG) which recommends new terms. VRG membership is composed of 16 Clearinghouse vocabulary coordinators, the ERIC Facility lexicographic staff, an ERIC Program Office staff member and members of the user community. Members of the VRG have the opportunity to review and comment on all proposed changes and additions prior to final review and implementation by the ERIC Facility.

The ERIC Facility is also responsible for maintaining authority lists and files other than the Thesaurus and IAL. These include the Source Directory, Language Authority List, Country Name Authority List, Publication Type Authority List, Target Audiences List, and Governmental Levels List See Attachment 3, ERIC Facility Products and Reports List.

Specific Tasks

Subtask 2.1 Online Electronic Resources

The Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors, the Identifier Authority List and the ERIC Source Directory shall be available electronically to all Clearinghouses for routine database development and Thesaurus activities. Other resources, such as the ERIC Processing Manual described later, shall also be made available electronically by the end of the base year.

Subtask 2.2 Lexicography Activities for ERIC System

The contractor shall perform the following tasks:

a. Coordinate Vocabulary Review Group (VRG) Activities

Coordinate VRG activities to assure that all members have an opportunity to participate in the lexicographic process.

b. ERIC Thesaurus Update

Update the ERIC Thesaurus computer master file as needed dependent on the number of newly approved descriptors or the number of existing descriptors that are modified.

c. Lexicography Resources

Acquire and maintain a collection of current, up-to-date reference materials (dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, electronic resources, etc.) needed for the lexicography process.

d. Descriptor Processing

Process approximately 80-100 new descriptors each year for possible addition to the ERIC Thesaurus. Contractor shall distribute a Thesaurus Supplement to members of the VRG at least each quarter (e.g. March, June) and no term shall be left unprocessed, i.e., not acted upon, for more than two months after receipt from Clearinghouses.

The contractor shall make newly approved descriptors available in the online version of the Thesaurus promptly, and in no case later than the addition of the first use of the descriptor to the publicly available database.

e. New Edition of Thesaurus

Plan for delivery of ERIC Thesaurus electronic data files to publisher for a new edition (the 14th) of the ERIC Thesaurus in the year 2000.

Subtask 2.3 ERIC Identifier Authority List (IAL)

The Facility contractor shall:

a. Identifier Authority List

Develop and maintain, alphabetically and by category, the official ERIC IAL file.

b. Identifier Processing

Review approximately 500 candidate identifiers per month for the IAL and ensure all identifiers are processed, acted upon, (according to the procedures identified in the EPM, Section VIII, Part 1 "Vocabulary Development, Identifiers") within two months after receipt from Clearinghouses. See Appendix 8, EPM, Section VIII, Part 2 "Vocabulary Development, Identifiers" for a complete, detailed and exhaustive explanation of the processing of identifiers for the ERIC system. The contractor shall produce and distribute quarterly a periodic list of identifiers with more than 25 references (Highly Posted Identifiers List) that have not been submitted to the VRG as candidate Descriptors (See Appendix 15D).

The contractor shall make newly approved identifiers available in the online version of the IAL promptly, and in no case later than the addition of the first use of the identifier to the publicly available database.

Subtask 2.4 Vocabulary Authority File Maintenance

The Facility contractor shall maintain the following vocabulary authority files.

a. Thesaurus Alphabetical Display File (Appendix 14A and 14B)

b. Thesaurus Rotated Display File (Appendix 14C)

c. Thesaurus 2-Way Hierarchical Display File (Appendix 14D)

d. Identifier Alphabetical Display (Appendix 15A and 15B)

e. Identifier Category Display (Appendix 15C)

f. Heavily Posted Identifiers (Appendix 15D)

Subtask 2.5 Other Authority File Maintenance

The Facility contractor shall maintain the following institutional codes/names authority files and shall review and process on a monthly basis 50-200 potential additions to the Source Directory.

a. Source Directory

An authority list of organizational/corporate/institutional names, citing the preferred form of each name. ERIC follows the CENDI guidelines for establishing organizational names (Appendix 16).


Task 3. System Technical Support, Development and Training

General Tasks

The ERIC Facility contractor is responsible for a number of system support and maintenance functions. These include:

  • Produce the ERIC Processing Manual (EPM) (Appendix 8). The Facility writes, updates and issues the EPM, which serves as the basic authority for system-wide procedures used by the ERIC system. It covers document acquisition, indexing, abstracting, document preparation and shipping, data entry, etc.
  • Train ERIC system personnel on a routine basis as to the technical aspects covered in the EPM and other technical authorities (i.e., IAL, Source Directory). A routine training program for newly implemented electronic systems and processes shall also be implemented and maintained.
  • Develop and implement coordination procedures for the Facility to serve as the single point of contact in interaction among ERIC system components and external agencies in matters pertaining to the ERIC database, authority lists, and other areas in which the Facility has lead responsibility in ERIC.
  • Serve as technical liaison in support of the COTR and other ERIC Program personnel in establishing and developing cooperative efforts with other agencies, both within and outside government.
  • Attend professional meetings to represent the ERIC system and also attend all ERIC Technical and Directors' Meetings.
  • Store and maintain historical/archival collections of ERIC material. These collections cover an ERIC microfiche collection and a complete collection of all ERIC Clearinghouse publications (and other ERIC components) since 1966.
  • Perform online and CD-ROM database searches for internal use and ERIC users on a limited basis, see below, 3.5.d.
  • Provide 800 line phone service for customer assistance in answering technical questions on the database and other inquiries.

Specific Tasks

As the quality control and technical hub for the ERIC system, ERIC Facility functions shall include: system maintenance, ERIC Program Office technical support, technical assistance, general support functions, reference services and collections, meetings and conferences, and innovative system improvements.

Subtask 3.1 System Maintenance

The contractor shall perform the following:

a. Technical Procedures

Develop and maintain system-wide technical procedures for all of ERIC. These shall include, but shall not be limited to, procedures covering document processing, vocabulary development and all of the areas identified in the EPM.

b. ERIC Processing Manual (EPM)

Make the ERIC Processing Manual (EPM) available to all ERIC components in electronic, two-level, abbreviated form as 1) an online reference to provide introductory help on the topics covered in the EPM and 2) with a user-selectable option to obtain the EPM’s full detail on each topic. The contractor shall maintain, modify, and update the EPM as needed (after COTR approval) to assure it shall remain current.

d. ERIC System-Wide Technical Coordination

Coordinate system-wide technical operations for the ERIC system, including liaison with external agencies.

e. ERIC Facility Operations Manual (EFOM)

Develop and maintain a set of standard procedures used for operating the ERIC Facility, including the Facility version of STAR or an equivalent bibliographic/data management system (see 5.3.e below for more information).

Subtask 3.2 ERIC Program Office Technical Support

The contractor shall serve as technical consultant to the ERIC Program Office in negotiations each year with new agencies, organizations and groups (e.g. 4H, Commission for Community Services, etc.) to develop agreements and plans for adding new documents to the ERIC database.

Subtask 3.3 Technical Assistance

The contractor shall provide technical assistance to ERIC system components, users and others, when requested and with the approval of the COTR. The Facility contractor shall perform the following technical assistance activities:

a. Technical Assistance outside the ERIC system

Provide technical assistance and materials about ERIC at meetings with Federal, State and local education agencies, professional associations, and other organizations to be identified by the ERIC Program Office, or as the result of direct requests to the Facility contractor. Such services, with the approval of the ERIC Program COTR and the approval of the Contracting Officer, may be performed on a cost-recovery basis.

b. Training

The Contractor shall provide training on ERIC system-wide processes, including acquisitions, indexing, abstracting, and processing. The contractor’s training program and materials must promptly incorporate changes to reflect the implementation of the new electronic processing system. On a routine basis, the contractor shall provide training at Washington DC, and locations central to more than one Clearinghouse. Training may be required because of changes in Clearinghouse contractors, personnel changes, etc. Training shall be provided for the following groups:

  • ERIC system personnel. Training shall cover system-wide technical procedures, relying on the EPM as a basic training tool, and supplemented when necessary with appropriate training materials. Training may be conducted on- or off-site, via correspondence, telephone, etc.
  • ERIC users and other non-ERIC personnel shall be trained with the approval of the ERIC Program COTR and the CO. Training shall be performed on a cost-recovery basis.

c. Workshops

Respond to requests for assistance in workshops run by the Clearinghouses, ACCESS ERIC and other members of the ERIC System. Travel and lodging expenses are to be paid by those requesting the assistance of the ERIC Facility contractor. A limited number of technical assistance workshops per year are estimated annually.

d. Database User Services

The contractor shall provide the following user services:

  • Supply technical assistance to institutions purchasing the ERIC master files. Travel and lodging expenses for the Facility personnel will ordinarily be paid by those requesting assistance. For users that are unable to pay, with the approval of the COTR, Facility funds may be used to give them technical assistance. Estimate ten person days as chargeable per year to the contract for this type of technical assistance.
  • Respond to individual inquiries on the ERIC master electronic data files (estimate approximately 10 inquiries per month).
  • Provide documentation for electronic data file users. The existing ERIC Database Master File Tape Documentation (Appendix 12), designed for users of ERIC tapes and electronic data files, shall be reviewed annually and updated, if necessary.

Subtask 3.4 General Support Functions

The ERIC Facility contractor shall perform the following support functions:

  1. Answer Inquiries

The contractor shall provide the following additional services.

  • Answer letters and telephone calls and emails.
  • Participate in professional meetings (estimate three times/year).
  • Host visitors (estimate three times per month). Note: CO and/or COTR may visit at any time.
  • Complete questionnaires and survey forms from reference publications and professional journals on ERIC system usage, etc. (estimate two times per month).

b. Collect Data

Collect usage data and statistics (for computerized and manual systems) to be used in compiling reports for the ERIC Program Office (see Attachment 3). Information gathered shall cover, but be not limited to, areas as individual Clearinghouse document and article input, the number and sources of duplicate input that was detected, the number and kind of lexicographic activities (e.g., new/revised descriptor input), editorial activities (e.g., errors detected), etc. (See performance indicators.)

c. Provide messenger/courier service (twice/week)

The contractor shall supply messenger service (messenger, UPS, overnight mail, special delivery services, etc.) twice a week between the ERIC Program Office (400 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC) and the ERIC Facility.

Subtask 3.5 Reference Services and Collections

The ERIC Facility houses a number of valuable collections of materials and information on the ERIC system. These collections are housed with the incumbent Facility contractor, Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) in Laurel, Maryland.

a. Facility Library Reference Collection

Maintain and expand the Facility Library reference collection, which shall continue to contain a variety of standard reference works useful for the operation of the Facility and the ERIC network. These materials include books and reports that are used for reference work, lexicographic research, checking corporate source authority lists, document processing and improving online searching strategies. These reference tools are normally included in a database builder/information center's library. Although the majority of the library reference collection belongs to the current Facility contractor, those titles purchased with contract funds belong to the federal government.

b. Microfiche Collection

Maintain a complete collection of ERIC documents in microfiche form. The collection shall include all related EDRS products dating back to the beginning of ERIC. The ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS) will supply microfiche for documents appearing in the latest issue of RIE. This collection is the property of the federal government and currently resides in 22 microfiche storage cabinets (five of which are Government owned). Contractor shall plan for an annual growth of approximately 13,000-14,000 microfiche.

c. ERIC Publication and Product Collection

Maintain and expand the archival collection of all ERIC Clearinghouse and system products, including a master file of ERIC Digests. The ERIC Clearinghouses and the ERIC Program Office will supply copies of all their products and publications to the Facility for the archival collection. This collection is the property of the federal government. Contractor shall plan for an annual growth of approximately 300 publications/items.

d. Computer Searches

Maintain an online and CD-ROM ERIC database search capability for access to the ERIC database with experienced ERIC database searchers. Annual search volume is approximately 100 searches. These searches are intended only for supporting internal Facility operations and special requests from the ERIC Program Office (to respond to requests from the Secretary's Office, members of Congress, etc.) not for Clearinghouse clients or other users.

Searches requested by the public shall be performed on a time-available and cost reimbursement basis, or referred to either another ERIC component or a public information service provider.

Subtask 3.6 Meetings and Conferences

The Facility contractor shall perform the following activities:

a. Attendance at ERIC System Technical Meetings

The Facility contractor shall participate in a three day annual ERIC National Technical Meeting of 40-50 representatives from Clearinghouses and other ERIC system personnel. The meetings will be held in the Washington, D.C. area. The contractor's staff shall actively participate in training sessions, presenting reports, joining in discussions, etc. A minimum of three Facility staff shall participate.

b. ERIC Directors Meeting

The Facility contractor shall participate in an annual two-day ERIC Directors Meetings. Participation shall consist of taking part in discussions, submitting reports, etc. A minimum of three Facility staff shall participate.

Subtask 3.7 Innovative System Improvements

The contractor shall propose additional activities or processes that will significantly improve the operation or management of the ERIC system. These shall include but not be limited to devising and implementing new and cost-effective technology-based applications (with the approval of the Contracting Officer) to improve the following activities:

a. Technical Assistance

Improve technical assistance, dissemination and liaison with other organizations and agencies.

b. Training

Improve training of ERIC system personnel.

c. Database Enhancements

Develop new procedures for shortening processing time in database development, lexicographic and other system activities.

Task 4: Web/Electronic Initiatives

The contractor shall perform the following subtasks to support ERIC’s expanded use of the Internet, World Wide Web, and other electronic technologies to provide customers access to ERIC resources and services.

Subtask 4.1 Maintain an Internet/World Wide Web site and other electronic network services

All ERIC components have established World Wide Web sites on the Internet, mainly using their host organizations’ resources. To facilitate the continuous improvement and collective utility of Clearinghouse web sites, the contractor shall have a staff member participate in a system-wide ERIC Internet/Web task force. The task force shall identify the best practices throughout the ERIC system and shall disseminate information about these practices to the ERIC system. The task force shall also define system-wide technical standards for ERIC Internet sites and the adoption of new technologies (e.g., distributed search and retrieval) and standards (e.g., meta-data). The contractor shall conform to any system-wide guidelines and procedures developed by the task force and adopted by the ERIC program to improve the overall consistency, quality, interconnection, and usefulness of ERIC’s Internet sites and services.

The contractor shall maintain and keep up-to-date its ERIC Internet sites and other electronic networking activities in a systematized, coordinated, and integrated manner consistent with NLE and ED initiatives for one-stop customer service through distributed electronic repositories. The contractor shall design its web site both to meet the specific needs of its customer base and also to form an effective part of a coordinated system-wide ERIC Virtual Library (see Subtask 4.2).

The contractor shall use as models for its electronic services AskERIC, NPIN, and other best practices identified by the ERIC Internet/Web task force. The contractor shall sponsor and participate in network services such as electronic journals, listservs, and other electronic discussion forums appropriate to its scope area and customer base.

Subtask 4.2. Participate in AskERIC and other system-wide electronic networking initiatives

The contractor shall give technical assistance, as necessary, in the evolutionary development, operation, updating, and enhancement of a system-wide ERIC Virtual Library, which will continue and build on the successful innovations of the AskERIC Virtual Library (AEVL), the best practices and innovations from all ERIC system components, and the electronic resource collections used by AskERIC User Services staff. Specifically, the ERIC Virtual Library will be based on: (1) known and anticipated customer information needs; (2) the use of up-to-date, dependable technologies to deliver information and services to the education community to meet their current needs; (3) a near-term research and development component to prepare to exploit future technologies; and (4) the coordinated involvement of all Clearinghouses in maintaining current collections of on-line materials including, but not limited to, resource guides, FAQs, and annotated web bibliographies of pointers to useful education database services, collections, and electronic and non-electronic resources in the Clearinghouse’s scope area.

The contractor shall also participate in the Gateway to Educational Materials (GEM) by identifying and cataloging resources and contributing to the enhancement of the GEM meta-data profile and controlled vocabularies. As other NLE/ERIC system-wide initiatives are developed, the contractor shall also take part in related activities that are appropriate to its mission.

Subtask 4.3 Host ERIC Database Online

By the end of the first contract year, with the approval of the COTR, the Facility shall host the ERIC Database online for searching and downloading by the general public and the other ERIC components. The contractor shall consult with the system-wide ERIC Internet/Web task force early in the development process to identify system-wide requirements and the good and bad features of existing implementations. The contractor shall endeavor to make the publicly accessible database as up-to-date as possible, updating more frequently than once a month if feasible.

The contractor shall prepare descriptions of the database service and instructions on its use for inclusion in ERIC system-wide publications. The contractor shall provide sufficient online help for both novice and expert public users of the database.

The Government recognizes that additional Government funds may be required to support operation of the ERIC database online because of unanticipated costs incurred to guarantee reliability, due to user support burdens (should the site become popular), or for other reasons. Depending on available funding, the Government will fund and/or cost share Contractor’s detailed plans that meet the technical/budget requirements for such an operation. If the need arises, more than one type of support mechanism, such as Other Direct Costs (ODC) or Government Furnished Equipment (GFI) will be considered to accomplish these goals.

Subtask 4.4 Technology Studies and New Initiatives

The contractor shall investigate, report on and implement technology solutions to improve a wide range of work procedures. To accomplish this, the contractor shall:

  • Investigate Archiving Issues: Cooperate with the ERIC Document Reproduction Service contractor and other sources, such as CENDI, on the report of the impact of technological alternatives to microfiche/microfilm for ERIC’s purposes of archiving, preservation, and delivery.
  • Study and Improve Database Development: On a continuing basis, examine production cycles, monthly schedules, and database processing in light of the Facility’s new online editing system, with particular focus on improvements to Subtasks 1.1 - 1.9.
  • Contribute To ERIC System Evaluation: Participate in an ERIC system-wide evaluation, provide data and reports as needed, identify ERIC users and host 1-2 focus groups, and review draft report.
  • Investigate Online Document Submissions: Study the feasibility of ERIC accepting electronic document submissions accompanied by electronic reproduction release forms with electronic signatures.


Task 5. Reports and Products (See Attachment 3)

General Tasks

The ERIC Facility is responsible for a wide variety of reports and products, including:

  • Contractor management reports. These include monthly cost, statistical and narrative reports which describe performance, problems resolved, and remaining issues in the operation of the Facility. This report shall also include tracking information on Clearinghouse Performance Indicators.
  • Database products, such as the complete Source Directory and Truncated Source Directory.
  • ERIC Master File. Includes the full bibliographic record, the full-text ERIC Digest Online file, and accompanying documentation.
  • Working copies of the Thesaurus Alphabetical Display, Rotated Display, Two-Way Hierarchical Display and Identifier Authority Alphabetical and Category displays.

Specific Tasks

The Facility contractor shall be responsible for the reports and products specified. The printed quantities and distribution patterns of products and reports vary by title; therefore, care shall be exercised in their production and distribution. Refer to Attachment 3, ERIC Facility Products and Reports List, to identify the products/reports/output, frequency and number of copies to be produced for each item, and the number of copies to each recipient.

Subtask 5.1 Management Reports

The contractor shall ensure the timely submission of the following management reports.

a. Cost Reports

  • Facility Expenditure Report - an accounting of labor and ODC expenditures by category (monthly - distribute copies to CO and COTR) (Appendix 17). These shall be delivered to the COTR by the 15th day of the following month.
  • Public Voucher for Purchases and Services - a report which includes a completed Standard Form 1034 and attached documentation (monthly - distribute copies to CO, copy to COTR) (Attachment 11). To be delivered before the 15th day of the following month.

b. Statistical Reports

  • Acquisitions Summary Report - a statistical report of the number of documents entering the system by the name and/or category of the organization that provided the document, e.g., federal, non-federal, foreign organization (quarterly - distribute copies to COTR by 15th of April, July, October and January) (Appendix 18).
  • Inventory of ERIC Publications and Forms - a report on the number and kind of publications and reports in stock at the ERIC Facility (semi-annually - distribute copies to COTR) (Appendix 19). Report due by July 15 and January 15 of each year.

c. Narrative Reports

  • ERIC Facility Monthly Report - a narrative report with statistics, it reports on transactions and outputs by the following functional areas: Acquisitions, Reference and User Services, Lexicography/Vocabulary Status, Editorial, Document Control, Computer System and Management/Miscellaneous.

The report includes a summary of RIE statistics, giving the number of documents input by Clearinghouse, the number withheld by the Facility from processing, and the total of single frame resumes generated for the month (monthly - deliver to COTR by the 15th of following month) (Attachment 14).

  • Department of Education Documents in RIE - a memo with resumes attached reporting on Department documents in each monthly issue of RIE (monthly - deliver to COTR by 15th of following month) (Appendix 20).
  • Annual Report - a summary report on the year's accomplishments, highlights, problems resolved, issues/challenges remaining and recommendations for the future (annually - deliver to COTR by end of each January. Format is displayed in Attachment 14.

Report Review - By the end of the base year of the contract, the Contractor, with COTR approval, shall review the above reports, to determine if all are required, if some are duplicative, if simplified reporting can be achieved, or if electronic submissions can be substituted for paper submission.

Subtask 5.2 Publications

The ERIC Facility contractor shall produce the following publications:

a. Vocabulary Publications

  • Thesaurus Alphabetical Display - Working Copy, produced for the internal use of the ERIC system (annually - distribute copies to all system components) (Appendix 14A). Supplements shall be issued when necessary, after discussion with COTR - distribute copies to all system components (Appendix 14B).
  • Thesaurus Rotated Display - Working copy, produced for the internal use of the ERIC system (annually - distribute copies to all system components) (Appendix 14C).
  • Thesaurus Hierarchical Display - Working Copy, produced for the internal use of the ERIC system (annually - distribute copies to all system components) (Appendix 14D).
  • Identifier Authority List (IAL) Alphabetical Display - Working Copy, produced by the Facility for internal use by the ERIC system (annually) (Appendix 15A). Supplements shall be required semi-annually (Appendix 15B). (Distribute copies of both to all system components by July 15 and January 15.)
  • Identifier Authority List Category Display - Working Copy, produced by the Facility for internal use by the ERIC system (annually - distribute copies to all system components) (Appendix 15C). (Supplements shall be required semi-annually and distributed to all system components by July 15 and January 15.)
  • Highly Posted Identifiers Report - a listing, by Clearinghouse, of frequently used identifiers that need to be given priority as candidate descriptors (annually - distribute copies to all system components by February 1.) (Appendix 15D).

Descriptions of the reports are attached in Publications chart.

b. Institutional Names Publications

The contractor shall publish the following lists of the names of organizations which have material in the database.

  • Source Directory - an authority list of organizational/corporate/institutional names, citing the preferred spelling and format for each name. ERIC follows COSATI (Committee on Scientific and Technical Information) guidelines for establishing organizational names. This publication is continually updated and made available to system components as an FTP file on demand. (Appendix 16).

c. Reference/User Services Publications

The contractor shall produce the following reference/user service publications:

  • ERIC Acquisitions Arrangements (Cumulative List) - a composite list of all formal ERIC system document acquisition arrangements that are assigned to Clearinghouses and to the Facility. The list shall cite the component responsible for maintaining the agreement. Currently, there are about 2,000 acquisition arrangements in effect for the ERIC system (the file is to be made available in browsable/searchable form on the ERIC Facility Web site). (Appendix 13).
  • ERIC Acquisitions Data Report - an online file, it covers the titles, authors, Clearinghouse number, number of pages, and entry date for documents Clearinghouses are starting to process for the system. This online file is updated on a daily/continuing basis and is made available to system components electronically) (Attachment 13).
  • ERIC Clearinghouse Publications - a bibliography covering all of the substantive publications of ERIC Clearinghouses for the prior calendar year. All titles shall be reviewed by the Clearinghouse Monitors before publication (annually - distribute copies to all system components by April 1 of each year) (Appendix 21).
  • Bibliography of Publications About ERIC - a collection of bibliographic references on papers, documents and articles about the ERIC system or its components (triennially, with annual supplements - distribute copies to all system components by March 1 of each year) (Appendix 22).

Subtask 5.3 Manuals

The Facility contractor shall perform the following tasks.

a. ERIC Database Master File Documentation

Produce an updated manual containing the documentation on the content, characteristics, format, sequence, updates, copyright status, etc., including the STAR (or equivalent) System for the ERIC Master Files (Appendix 12).

b. ERIC Processing Manual (EPM)

Issue updated pages for the EPM (four chapters were revised and are in draft status in 1999). The individual pages shall be updated when system changes require. Four sections of the revised edition are currently available (Appendix 9).

c. ERIC Clearinghouse Scope of Interest Guide

Reissue on a periodic, as needed basis the Clearinghouse Scope of Interest Guide. The Guide contains an official, detailed description of each Clearinghouse's subject area(s), together with a listing of the descriptors that are particularly pertinent to the Clearinghouse. The Guide is included in the EPM as Appendix A. The Facility contractor shall assure that all Clearinghouses have reviewed and edited their own scope areas. The Guide shall be reviewed by ERIC Program staff prior to publication.

d. ERIC Network Directory

Annually issue an updated version of the Directory assuring the accuracy of the names, addresses, telephone numbers, etc., of all system components and their staffs (annually - distribute copies to all system components by April 1 of each contract year. Updated pages shall be produced and distributed on an as-needed basis - distribute copies to all system components) (Appendix 23).

e. ERIC Facility Operations Manual (EFOM)

Develop and maintain a new manual, the ERIC Facility Operations Manual. The EFOM shall detail the standard procedures used for operating the ERIC Facility. It shall augment the EPM and reference it when necessary. The EFOM shall include but not be limited to descriptions of the following procedures: document receipt, document and journal resume processing, lexicography, microcomputer systems, etc. The contractor shall produce an initial draft by July 2001, after implementation of the online editing system, for review by the COTR.


Subtask 5.4 Electronic Files and Related Products

By January 2000, the sale of the ERIC Database Master File on magnetic tape shall cease and this activity shall be replaced by File Transfer Protocol (FTP) transmissions to subscribers.

a. ERIC Computer System Software

Maintain and update, as required, the software programs/documentation for the ERIC database, currently residing on STAR software.

b. Distribute NISC Disc

Coordinate with National Information Systems Company (NISC) the production and distribution of NISC Disc CD-ROMs.

c. RIE Monthly Issues

  • Camera Ready Copy - produce camera ready copy (complete with front and back matter) for sending to GPO through The ERIC Program Office on a monthly basis.
  • RIE Issue data transmissions/FTP - send to EDRS to be used for creating microfiche headers (monthly).

d. RIE Cumulative Index

  • Send annual cumulation of RIE resumes to CIJE publisher, which uses it to generate their annual cumulation of RIE (both resumes and indexes).

e. CIJE Input

  • Send new input by FTP, to Oryx Press for production of Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE) (monthly).

f. Thesaurus

Send by FTP to Oryx Press for production of Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors (three/four year intervals).

g. ERIC Digests Online (EDO) File

Send EDO as an electronic file to vendors and other users, on purchase and free basis (as determined by the ERIC Program Office).

h. Acquisitions Data Report (ADR)

Maintain online availability of the ADR (See Tasks 1.1-1.9). Clearinghouse access for additions, deletions, etc. shall be provided by the contractor on a 24-hour basis.

Subtask 5.5 ERIC Documents and Related Products

The contractor shall:

a. Accessioned documents

Forward all accessioned documents (documents edited and accepted for entry into the ERIC database) to EDRS for microfilming (at least monthly).

b. Single Frame Resumes

Ensure single frame resumes accompany accessioned documents (EDs) to EDRS for microfilming (at least monthly). Also ensure that each Clearinghouse receives a set of resumes each month covering its own input and that the ERIC Program Office receives monthly a set of resumes for all OERI reports and publications (estimate approximately 135 per month) (Attachment 7).

Subtask 5.6 Newsletters, Handouts and Brochures

Contractor shall be responsible for the production of the following newsletters, handouts and brochures.

a. ERIC Ready References

Produce and distribute a series of one- or two-page ready reference sheets (there are currently 19 ready reference sheets in the series) which cover basic ERIC information and statistics. Annual review of all Ready References shall be made and additions/deletions recommended to the COTR. Those to be retained shall be updated annually on a schedule determined by the COTR’s approval (Appendix 24). Online versions of Ready References containing contact information such as telephone numbers and web addresses shall be updated within a month of revised information becoming available. During the base year of the contract, the COTR and the Contractor shall review all Ready References to determine those to be continued, those to be eliminated, and those to be added.

b. Submitting Documents to ERIC

On an as-needed basis (approximately every two years) produce (for printing by GPO) and distribute the brochure "Submitting Documents to ERIC," which describes the process for having documents considered for entry into the ERIC database.

d. RIE Order Form

Produce camera-ready copy for printing by GPO. The form is to be revised whenever GPO changes its prices for RIE.

Subtask 5.7 Database Products for Public Sale

The contractor shall supervise the production and distribution (on demand and by subscription) of ERIC database versions via FTP. The contractor shall also make available for sale to the public various ERIC system printed indexes generated from these files.

Specifically, the contractor shall perform the following tasks:

a. ERIC Database Master File

Distribute the ERIC Database Master File via FTP, on a continuing basis (generally monthly) and at cost, to approximately 50 customers.

  • Resume linear files (Dialog B Format) for RIE and CIJE - (complete file, with monthly, quarterly and annual updates available).
  • Thesaurus
  • Identifier Authority List (IAL)

  • Integrated CIJE information - CIJE files shall be integrated into the appropriate ERIC master files on a monthly basis.

b. Internal Reference Publications (ERICTOOLS)

Copies of the following internal ERIC system reference publications shall be produced for sale to the public.

  • ERIC Processing Manual (Appendix 8)
  • Identifier Authority List (IAL) (Appendix 15)
  • Source Directory (Appendix 16)

Subtask 5.8 Pricing and Sale of ERIC Products

The contractor shall be responsible for sales of ERIC database products and resources and ERICTOOLS, such as Manuals, etc. Pricing, use of the funds, and contractor profit level are subject to Department of Education approval. See Appendix 24 for a complete listing and description of all products. Contractor shall be responsible for performing the following tasks:

a. Pricing Structure

Develop a pricing structure, subject to Department of Education approval, for the public sale of ERIC products. The pricing structure shall be consistent with Federal information policies, e.g., OMB Circular A-130. The contractor shall document all costs and expenditures related to this activity and explain the final pricing structure, which shall be on a cost-recovery basis. Any excess funds shall be deposited in a revolving, auditable account.

b. Revolving, Auditable Account

Open a revolving, auditable account for receipt and disbursement of funds derived from public sale of ERIC products and ERICTOOLS.

c. Expenditure of Funds

Use the funds in the account for authorized upgrading and improvement of the database to enhance its dissemination.

Subtask 5.9 Miscellaneous

The contractor shall make the following distributions (see Attachment 3 for a list of the major Facility products and reports that are generally distributed to all ERIC system components).

a. Distribution to ERIC Program Office (Central ERIC) and OERI

  • RIE and CIJE Issues - deliver two copies of each RIE and CIJE issue.
  • Ready References – send 50 copies of each as they are issued or reissued.
  • ERIC Digest File – distribute via FTP to U.S. Department of Education’s Internet Application Support (IAS) contractor on continuing basis, as produced.
  • Resumes for New ED Publications in ERIC – distribute via FTP to U.S. Department of Education’s Internet Application Support (IAS) contractor on continuing basis, as produced.
  • Other Products – distribute copies to COTR as requested.

b. Complimentary Distribution of RIE and CIJE

Distribute approximately 200 copies of RIE and 35 copies of CIJE each month to various organizations and individuals with postage paid by U.S. Government. Mailing lists are maintained by the ERIC Facility with additions subject to OERI approval. Approximately 50 copies of each issue of RIE for the last five years shall be stocked at the Facility for later distribution when required. A maximum of 10 copies are to be retained for earlier years.

c. Microfiche Distribution

Mail microfiche copies of their own input to each Clearinghouse for free distribution by the Clearinghouse to authors whose documents have just entered the ERIC database. The contractor shall mail the microfiche (approximately 1,000 titles per month) with postage paid by the U.S. Government. A special set of ERIC documents on microfiche will be sent to the Facility by EDRS for this purpose at no cost each month.

d. Reply Card Mailing

When attached to incoming documents, mail (with postage paid by the U.S. Government) approximately 100 Reply Cards each month to authors acknowledging the acceptance of their document by the ERIC system. See Appendix 8, EPM, Section II, p. II-16, Figure 3.

e. Acquisition Request Forms

Distribute approximately 150 Acquisition Request Forms each month (with postage paid by the U.S. Government) for the purpose of acquiring new documents for the ERIC system.

See Appendix 8, EPM, Section II, p. II-19-22, Figure 5.

f. ERIC System Standard Forms

Distribute copies of standard ERIC system forms (with postage paid by the U.S. Government) from current stocks of ERIC system forms to all other ERIC system components. New forms shall be created by the contractor when needed and approved by the COTR.

g. ERIC Records for International Bibliographic Database on Higher Education (HEBIB)

In support of the international activities of the ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education with the International Association of Universities/UNESCO, approximately three or four times a year the Facility will receive a diskette of ERIC accession numbers from IAU/UNESCO for records to be added to the HEBIB database. The contractor shall send back a diskette with the corresponding full ERIC records (RIE and CIJE) in Dialog Format B.

Subtask 5.10 New Products and Services

The contractor shall propose new products and services for use by ERIC system components, such as Clearinghouses, ACCESS ERIC and adjunct clearinghouses, or for sale to users outside the system. The contractor shall also annually review all current reports, processes and services in terms of recommending modifications, replacements, discontinuations, new reports, processes and services, or development of electronic versions to supplement or replace print versions.


Task 6. Technical Computer Support

General Tasks

The ERIC Facility develops and maintains the system's software used to expand, revise and manipulate the ERIC database. The Facility also develops, publishes and disseminates database-related ERIC products. Technical computer support systems require the Facility contractor to:

  • Operate and maintain an internal database management system (DBMS), using STAR software (at least initially), state of the art computers and the latest Internet connectivity, to receive, edit, and correct bibliographic data received from the ERIC Clearinghouses and to build, update, publish products from, and distribute the ERIC database as well as develop reports and products using database management, spreadsheet and desktop publishing software.
  • Maintain an ERIC Facility Web Site, in accordance with ED Web Policies and Procedures <> and the guidelines established by the ERIC Web Task Force. The Facility Web site shall, at a minimum, mount the ERIC Database, Thesaurus, Identifier, Source, Acquisition files and a modified version of the ERIC Processing Manual (EPM). It shall also continue to contain a wide-variety of material related to Facility activities, e.g., ERIC Reproduction Release Forms; ERIC Ready References; price lists for ERICTOOLS, etc.
  • Operate and maintain computer systems to build, update, maintain, publish, and distribute various authority lists that are required by the main database-building activity: e.g., Thesaurus of ERIC Descriptors, Identifier Authority List (IAL), Source Directory (Organization Names). These large authority lists (and several smaller ones, such as Languages, Countries, Audiences, Publication Types, Governmental Levels) are integral to and regularly accessed by the database-building activity.
  • Operate and maintain various computer systems for detecting duplicates among documents in-process at ERIC Clearinghouses (the Acquisitions Data Report (ADR), for controlling documents assigned by the Facility to Clearinghouses for processing (Documents in Process (DIP), for building and publishing the ERIC Acquisitions Arrangements file (an annually-published reference), and for managing the customer subscriptions, packing slips, and invoices for sales of the ERIC database in electronic form and for the ERIC-on-NISC Disc CD-ROM product.
  • Every Facility staff member shall be equipped with a state-of-the art microcomputer, with access to the LAN and to all the files referred to above. These computers shall have access to the latest version of regular office software needed for such activities as word processing, spreadsheet development, desktop publishing, report generation, etc., including access to e-mail and the Internet/Web.
  • All ERIC computer operations shall be done with systems that are Y2K-compliant.
  • The Facility shall regularly assist ERIC database and CD-ROM subscribers (including vendors) to provide technical assistance, to aid search efforts, etc.

General Requirements

The ERIC Facility contractor shall be responsible for technical support of the ERIC system using STAR software, as licensed from Cuadra Associates and as modified by a Facility contractor, or an equivalent bibliographic/data management system.

The contractor shall maintain and periodically update ERIC system software, as necessary, to perform the tasks specified in this Statement of Work. All modifications made to standard STAR software and new software developed to process ERIC records, during the course of the contract, shall remain the property of the U.S. Government.

Hardware Requirements

The contractor shall provide the following hardware, or its equivalent:

  • Sun Workstation (for Database Management System (DBMS) - the ERIC DBMS software currently runs on a SUN Workstation (Model 20) equipped with 96MB of RAM, 18GB of hard drive storage, and an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS). The operating system is Solaris, version 2.6. There is no requirement to use this exact hardware, but whichever hardware is used for this function must at least be capable of operating the main ERIC DBMS and other ERIC software packages.
  • Dedicated Server for Acquisitions Data Report (ADR) – this file, containing records for all documents in-process anywhere in the network of ERIC Clearinghouses, is based on a dedicated server and is accessible by the Clearinghouses 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. (Note: The ADR server is also employed as the FTP server, to distribute ERIC data to database subscribers via FTP.)
  • Staff Microcomputers and LAN - All ERIC Facility staff members shall be

equipped with Pentium-level machines, or later state-of-the-art equipment, with full capability to connect to the ERIC Facility LAN to access Facility files, and to perform Facility systems.

High-Speed Laser Printing - all ERIC Facility printed contract deliverables are printed in camera-ready copy internally at the Facility on a high speed HP laser printer. This includes Resources in Education (RIE), the Single Frame Resumes (that become microfiche frame #1), the Working Copies of the Thesaurus and IAL, the ERIC Acquisitions Arrangements (EAA) list, and many other products.

Software Requirements

The software packages described below are those currently in use by the ERIC Facility to perform the indicated systems. Contractors shall at a minimum, propose to start operations by using the existing software. If the proposer would like to use new, different, or modified software for a given function, such a changeover could be proposed, but must be accompanied by a rationale for the change, a phase-in schedule, and an impact statement. Approval for the

Change will be made by the COTR.

Contractor shall provide the following:

  • A Front End System for Converting Clearinghouse Batch Input to STAR

Records. Also edits data, validates against authority files, and duplicate

checks. (Customized internal system, written in PowerBuilder)

  • Database Management System (DBMS) (Using STAR, available from Cuadra

Associates) to maintain the following:

  • Authority Files (Look-up Databases, using STAR)
  • Acquisitions Data Report (ADR) System (customized internal system,

written in Flagship)

  • Documents in Process (DIP) System, using STAR
  • Tape/CD-ROM Customer Control System (customized internal system,

written in PowerBuilder)

  • Conversion from STAR to DIALOG Format B (Distribution Format) (using

special STAR features)

  • Publication Preparation (e.g., RIE, Authority List Working Copies,

etc.) (using STAR Reports combined with FrameMaker templates)


Specific Tasks

Subtask 6.1 Computer System Support - the ERIC Facility contractor shall be responsible for technical support of all computer hardware used at the ERIC Facility and all computer software systems (as outlined below) used to create contract deliverable products and services.

ERIC Facility computer hardware shall be Y2K-compliant and shall be periodically upgraded, as needed, to meet the demands of the contract and to take advantage of new technology that can lead to greater speed and efficiency.

ERIC Facility computer software systems shall be operated, maintained, improved as needed, documented, and debugged as problems arise. Software shall be Y2K-compliant and shall be periodically modified/changed as directed by the COTR to adjust to system-wide decisions that might affect the database or the systems that support the database-building operation. All software enhancements and its documentation shall become the property of the U.S. Department of Education.

  • LAN Operation - the ERIC Facility contractor shall interconnect all ERIC Facility computers via a LAN that shall permit common access by all staff to the ERIC database and authority files, as well as to all the software systems used to support ERIC Facility operations.
  • E-Mail - the ERIC Facility contractor shall take advantage of connections offered with the Internet e-mail system operated by ED/OERI to provide domestic and international e-mail capability for all ERIC Facility staff members.

  • Internet Access - all ERIC Facility staff members shall have routine access to the Internet, as needed to assist in performing their job systems.
  • Web Site - the ERIC Facility contractor shall operate a publicly-available Web site, as well as a password-protected Web site for ERIC system use only. Within the first year of the contract, the Facility Web site shall, at a minimum, mount the ERIC Database, Thesaurus, Identifier, Source, a modified version of the EPM and Acquisition files. It shall also continue to contain a wide-variety of material related to Facility activities, e.g., ERIC Reproduction Release Forms; ERIC Ready References; prices lists for ERICTOOLS, etc. Other Web site features shall be added as directed by the COTR, e.g., Title Index, Clearinghouse Number/ED Number Cross-Reference List, etc.

Subtask 6.2 Acquisition/Selection Files

Integral to the Facility’s mission is to maintain system-wide control of document/article input. The ERIC Facility contractor shall assure that the following functions, or their equivalent functions after redesign, operate at an optimum and cost-effective mode.

  • Documents in Process (DIP) System - DIP is a STAR database that records all documents solicited by or acquired by the ERIC Facility and assigned to ERIC Clearinghouses for review, selection, and possible processing. DIP permits the Facility to identify the status of documents being processed by the system and to avoid sending Clearinghouses duplicate documents. Its counterpart is the ADR.

  • Acquisitions Data Report (ADR) System - the ADR is a stand-alone custom database (written in Flagship) identifying documents acquired for database input by the Clearinghouses during the previous 12-18 month period. The purpose of the ADR is to prevent duplication. The ADR does for the ERIC network as a whole what the DIP does just for the Facility. The ADR shall continue to be updated record-by-record or via batch transmission. Batches generate feedback reports to Clearinghouses highlighting any titles already on file. The ADR shall continue to be available online, via the Web, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Contractor shall investigate the feasibility of combining the DIP/ADR files with a portion of the ERIC database to enhance the detection of duplicate documents in processing, and if feasible, implement the change.
  • ERIC Acquisitions Arrangements (EAA) File - the EAA file is a STAR database containing records of organizations with which ERIC has standing arrangements to acquire education-related publications. The file currently identifies over 2000 organizations that send ERIC their publications on an automatic basis. Records consist of organization names, addresses, contact person (authorizer), date established, Level of Reproduction Release, etc. A combination of STAR reports and FrameMaker templates manipulate the EAA database to publish the annual EAA publication, which is distributed to all Clearinghouse Acquisitions Coordinators.

Subtask 6.3 Database-Building

The contractor shall be responsible for computer-based and ancillary processing at the ERIC Facility.

  • Receiving Online Data Transmissions from Clearinghouses - once a week (the current procedure), each ERIC Clearinghouse transmits to the ERIC Facility via Internet e-mail the bibliographic records completed that week. RIE, CIJE, and Digest (full text) records are each transmitted separately. The matching RIE documents and logsheets are mailed, as are the corresponding CIJE log sheets. It is expected that during the first year of the contract, with the conversion to online electronic processing, the frequency of shipments shall increase.
  • Computer Editing/Processing - the bibliographic records transmitted via e-mail shall be screened to delete extraneous data; then, via a special PowerBuilder program, checks shall be made for duplicates, invalid data , mandatory fields, etc. Next, batches of Clearinghouse records are converted to STAR records; and finally, forwarded to editors for human editing. Any needed changes are either made directly to the STAR In-Process file, or keyed by a data entry operator.
  • Updates/Corrections - when informed of errors, the contractor shall correct them (misspellings, incorrect volume numbers, incorrect citations, etc.) in the ERIC Master File and tag corrected records for delivery to database subscribers as replacement records.
  • File Maintenance, Backups, Security - the contractor shall develop a file backup and security plan that covers the storing of the ERIC database at least two physically separate locations in fire-resistant safes. Backup copies of the ERIC Master File shall be made regularly, allowing it to be completely reconstructed in the event of any equipment failure or natural catastrophe. The COTR shall approve this plan.

Subtask 6.4 Publication Preparation

The contractor is responsible for preparing the following publications via computer.

  • Resources in Education (RIE) - a monthly camera-ready copy of RIE, containing approximately 1,000-1,100 document abstracts with indexes (i.e., Subject, Personal Author, Institution, Publication Type, and Clearinghouse Number-to-ED Number Cross-Reference) shall be delivered to OERI as camera-ready copy (including front and rear matter), ready to go forward to GPO for printing.

RIE shall be generated internally at the ERIC Facility, using STAR reports and FrameMaker templates to compose the publication. The resultant pages are printed using a high speed Laser printer, then joined with front and rear pages that have been produced via desktop publishing. The complete camera-ready package is delivered monthly to the COTR.

  • Authority Lists (Working Copies) - all ERIC Authority lists are STAR "look-up" databases: Thesaurus, Identifier Authority List (IAL), Source Directory, Geographic Sources Names (Countries, Provinces, States), Publication Types, Target Audiences,

Governmental Levels, Languages. The Thesaurus, IAL, and Source Directory are also prepared in the form of printed "Working Copies," for distribution to ERIC Clearinghouse staff working on processing documents and journal articles. These Authority Lists shall be produced in the same way that RIE is produced: STAR reports extract the data and feed it into specially-designed FrameMaker templates that compose the pages of the publications.

  • Single-Frame Resumes (SFRs) - are one-page printouts of each ERIC Master File document record. Generated as a specific STAR Report, the SFR is filmed as the first frame of the ERIC microfiche for each ERIC Document in RIE. They are also used as notifications, e.g., as alerts to the EdPubs project.
  • ERICTOOLS – any ERIC database-related reference product is referred to as an "ERICTOOL," e.g., Title Index, Clearinghouse to ED Number Cross-Reference List. Using STAR Reports, the contractor shall produce printed copies of these files, as needed. However, in the interest of conserving paper and working toward ERIC’s goal of making files available on line, the contractor shall plan on making ERICTOOL files available on the Facility Web site as soon as it is practicable.

Subtask 6.5 Authority List Maintenance

The ERIC Facility contractor shall be responsible for the continuing maintenance and upgrading, when necessary, of ERIC Authority Lists.

  • ERIC Thesaurus - the ERIC Thesaurus is a separate STAR database maintained by a special Thesaurus module added to the STAR DBMS. This module automatically generates reciprocal entries and checks the logic of new entries, preventing the establishment of illogical term relationships, e.g., a term narrower to itself.
  • Identifier Authority List (IAL) - treated as a separate "Look-up Database" in STAR, it is used to validate incoming data in the identifier field of each record. IAL terms may either be not appropriate or candidate descriptors for the Thesaurus.
  • Source Directory - a file listing organizations that have prepared or sponsored documents that are in ERIC, the Source Directory assures that the organizations’ names and codes are standardized for use in the source fields of document and journal article resumes. A large "Look-Up Database" in STAR, hundreds of names are added to the file annually by Facility editors, using COSATI/COSI rules.
  • Other Authority Lists - cover Languages, Country Names, Publication Type, Target Audiences, Governmental Levels. All these authority lists are maintained on STAR as small to modest sized "Look-Up Databases" used to validate the data content of specific defined fields. They are maintained by either the Facility Lexicographers or the Editors, as appropriate.

Subtask 6.6 Database Distribution

The ERIC Facility contractor shall be responsible for maintaining a system for database distribution in various formats to vendors and the public.

  • ERIC Database (in DIALOG Format B) - as a Federally-funded database, the ERIC database is available at cost. The current standard distribution format is DIALOG Format B. There are between 40-50 subscribers to the ERIC database in the form of either monthly or quarterly updates. The Facility shall operate a self-supporting ERIC database sales project that provides the ERIC database to interested parties at no cost to the Government.
  • ERIC-on-CD-ROM Project - ERIC has a contract with the National Information Services Company (NISC) to be the exclusive provider of NISC's ERIC on CD-ROM product. This agreement permits ERIC to offer an ERIC CD-ROM to the public at the exceptionally low cost of $100 for a year's subscription (including four quarterly updates). Like the database sales project, the Facility shall maintain this project as a self-supporting ERIC CD-ROM sales project at no cost to the Government. Accordingly, to maintain its self-supporting status, price increases for the product may be requested in writing and approved by the CO, upon recommendation of the COTR.

  • Database/CD-ROM Customer Control System - the approximately 400 subscribers to the ERIC database or to the ERIC-on-CD-ROM product shall be recorded in a Customer Control System that captures Name, Shipping Address, Billing Address, Contact Person, Telephone Number, invoices, notices, etc. The Customer Control shall be paid for by the self-supporting projects and not by the Government.
  • Database Related Technical Support - recipients of the ERIC database in generic form (e.g., vendors), or via CD-ROM/online (users gaining access via the Internet or database providers), frequently have questions about the database (structure, content of data fields, searching, etc. As the quality control and technical hub of the ERIC system the contractor shall handle these questions and concerns as expeditiously as possible.

Subtask 6.7 Maintain State-of-the-Art Capabilities

The contractor shall periodically review, at least on an annual basis, equipment and processing systems, with the intent of upgrading hardware and/or software to meet the latest state-of-the-art standards.

Task 7. ERIC Facility Management

General Tasks

ERIC Facility staffing currently covers several functional areas, management, technical/reference, computer (mainframe and microcomputers) and secretarial/clerical.

Specific Tasks

Subtask 7.1 Brief the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR)

Within two weeks of contract award, the contractor shall travel to Washington, DC, to meet face-to-face with the Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR). The purpose of this meeting is to review the management plan and the schedule of activities for the first year of the contract.

Subtask 7.2 Develop and Maintain Management Systems and Procedures for Operating the ERIC Facility

The contractor shall maintain an adequate and effective staff to accomplish all of the tasks in this Statement of Work. At the initiation of the contract, the contractor shall be prepared to assemble, organize, apply and monitor personnel, material, and fiscal resources leading to the accomplishment of the project's objectives. Documented procedures--which shall include computerized tracking and management systems as well as related training materials--shall be developed or adapted to ensure provision of orderly and timely document processing and database development, publication production, user services, outreach activities, and other tasks that are required of the ERIC Facility. All procedures shall be documented in the new ERIC Facility Operations Manual (EFOM) (see 3.1.e. and 5.3.e. above) and be compatible with the EPM.

Subtask 7.3 Manage ERIC Facility Staff

The contractor shall recruit and assign staff, and develop policies, procedures, and training opportunities for their effective utilization. In order to provide staff for the four functional staff areas of the ERIC Facility operation, the contractor shall perform the following:

a. Management

Provide a management staff with managerial, technical and subject-area qualifications. The contractor shall appoint an ERIC Facility Director and an Assistant Director who can function in the Director's absence and shall be accountable--with the Director--for day-to-day management.

b. Technical/Reference

Employ lexicographers, editors, librarians and any other personnel with the expertise to carry out the technical/reference functions required of the ERIC Facility.

c. Computer

Provide staff for STAR (or equivalent) computer software, LAN applications, Web site maintenance and other computer operations. The level of expertise shall be sufficient to meet the requirements of all computer and microcomputer tasks identified in this SOW.

d. Secretarial/Clerical

Employ qualified staff to cover secretarial and clerical tasks, as well as pagination and shipping/receiving.

The CO, with advice from the COTR, must approve any changes in key personnel.

Subtask 7.4 ERIC Facility Staff Positions

The following are general job descriptions for current ERIC Facility staff positions. These positions are recommended but not required. Alternative staffing patterns/job functions shall be fully detailed and justified. Part-time positions or shared positions are encouraged, when appropriate.

a. Director, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Responsible for the overall management of the ERIC Facility, including, but not limited to, the development of new and innovative systems for enhancing the Facility’s role as ERIC moves into the next century. Implicit in the Director’s responsibility is the development of advanced technological systems to cost-effectively reduce the time required for performing the various functions of the ERIC Facility, e.g., streamlining database building, product development, vocabulary development, etc.
  • Develops policies and procedures related to the overall management of the ERIC Facility, including: management and quality control; business and financial requirements; processing operations; and the overall quality of the Facility's services and product development. Maintains systematic procedure for keeping those policies and procedures updated on a timely basis.
  • Responsible for maintaining an on-going training program at the Facility to assure that staff is appropriately trained in the performance of their duties.
  • Develops and implements control techniques and systems to assure that contract deliverables are on time, within budget and meet quality standards.
  • Responsible for development and preparation of required progress and financial reports.
  • Represents the ERIC Facility in ERIC system meetings, such as Support Contractors meetings, Directors meetings, etc.
  • Evaluates staff and ERIC Facility performance, institutes changes and improvements when necessary.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • Master's degree in Library or Information Science (or equivalent).
  • Demonstrated successful experience in maintaining, supporting and successfully completing large scale computer based information system operations within time and cost constraints.
  • Demonstrated successful experience with leading edge information science systems, approaches and applications.

b. Assistant Director, Management, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Assists the Director in developing policies and procedures related to the overall management of the ERIC Facility, including planning, development, coordination, staffing, and reporting.
  • Assists the Director in developing standards and procedures for the following: management and quality control; business and financial requirements; processing operations; and the overall quality of the Facility's services and product development.
  • In the absence of the Director, the Assistant Director for Operations is responsible for the overall management of the ERIC Facility.
  • Supervises general database development activities, including acquisitions, cataloging, indexing, abstracting/annotating, and editing.
  • Supervises the production process for the ERIC Document and Journal Resume Files, as well as the publication, Resources in Education (RIE), including cataloging, abstracting, editing, proofreading, correcting, cover and front/back art work, etc.
  • Responsible for document preparation for filming and for liaison with EDRS.
  • Assists Director in development and preparation of required progress and financial reports.
  • Represents, with the Director, the ERIC Facility in ERIC system meetings, such as Support Contractors meetings, Directors meetings, etc.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • Undergraduate college degree in a course of study directly related to the requirements of this contract, or the equivalent experience.
  • Demonstrated capability to successfully assist in completing large-scale information systems preparation/distribution, support, production and analysis efforts within time and cost constraints.
  • Demonstrated successful experience in leading technical activities which support data preparation and production control requirements of a large scale document processing system.
  • Demonstrated successful experience with computer on-line, interactive, and telecommunication applications.
  • Demonstrated successful experience with office automation technologies.

c. Assistant Director, Computer Systems, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Responsible for maintaining ERIC Facility computer systems, including hardware and software, including the Facility’s STAR-based system, or equivalent, LAN and Web site.
  • As required, designs and implements software for management information systems, database management, etc., for the ERIC Facility.
  • Responsible for designing and implementing training materials for Facility staff and ERIC system components for electronic mail, the online Accessions Data Report (ADR), etc.
  • Responsible for designing and implementing computerized reports for the Facility, including financial, statistical, status, etc.
  • Maintains the Facility’s computer-based files, including but not limited to: ERIC Document Resume File, ERIC Journal Resume File, the Documents in Process File (DIP) Acquisitions Data Report (ADR) Thesaurus, Identifier, Acquisitions List File, etc.
  • Manages the installation of a Local Area Network, and maintains the ERIC Facility’s Web site.
  • Recommends new hardware and software purchases and supervises hardware maintenance contracts.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • Undergraduate degree from an accredited university in a course of study directly related to this position, or demonstrated equivalent experience.
  • Professional membership in one or two professional associations in this field, such as the American Society for Information Science (ASIS), the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), or the Association for Educational Data Systems (AEDS).
  • Demonstrated capability to successfully lead and complete software for information systems; ability to meet production and analysis efforts within time and cost constraints; ability to organize, direct, and coordinate planning and performance of information processing and analysis activities; and ability to work well with ERIC system personnel.
  • Demonstrated successful experience in maintaining and supporting information system operations.

d. Computer Systems Assistant, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Assists Assistant Director, Computer Systems, in managing computer systems for the ERIC Facility. Responsible for analyzing and defining individual program requirements; developing new programs and revising existing programs to make refinements, reduce operating time, or improve present techniques.
  • Studies technical specifications, developing logic flow charts if necessary, and translates the detailed specifications into STAR (or equivalent) software routines.
  • Develops or revises cataloging procedures; verifies the accuracy and operational adequacy of new and modified software and cataloged procedures by conducting additional tests.
  • Receives all ERIC Clearinghouse bibliographic data transmitted online to the Facility and, after review, routes these data to the PowerBuilder (or equivalent) front end computer system which processes the data for entry into the DBMS.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • Undergraduate degree from an accredited university in a course of study directly related to this position, or related experience.
  • Demonstrated capability to successfully participate in substantial software efforts within time and cost constraints.
  • Demonstrated successful experience in performing programming efforts under contracts providing services equivalent to those required for this contract.
  • Demonstrated successful experience in maintaining and supporting operations at a computer facility.

e. Senior Lexicographer, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Responsible for maintaining the authority lists (e.g., Thesaurus, Source Directory, Identifier Authority List) necessary for operation of the ERIC system, and coordinates the on-going Vocabulary Review Group. These activities require communication and negotiation among all ERIC network components.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • Bachelor's Degree (B.A./B.S.) in Library and Information Science, Education, or an appropriate scientific/technical discipline.
  • Demonstrated experience in vocabulary control and classification; indexing; and computerized searching and retrieval.
  • Demonstrated lexicographic capability sufficient to successfully maintain a complex indexing vocabulary according to American National Standard Z39.l9 "Guidelines for Thesaurus Structure, Construction, and Use."
  • Demonstrated capabilities in cataloging, indexing, and abstracting, i.e., in the subrogation process by which a bibliographic entity becomes represented by a condensed resume (a combination of cataloging data, index items, and an abstract).
  • Demonstrated capabilities in computer searching and information retrieval using manual, online, and CD-ROM methodologies.
  • Demonstrated communication skills, e.g., speaking, writing (including proofing), documenting.

f. Assistant Lexicographer, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Assist Lexicographer in maintaining the authority lists (e.g., Thesaurus, Source Directory, Identifier Authority List) necessary for operation of the ERIC system, and coordinates the on-going Vocabulary Review Group. These activities require communication and negotiation among all ERIC network components.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • Bachelor's Degree (B.A./B.S.) in Library and Information Science, Education, or an appropriate scientific/technical discipline.
  • Demonstrated experience in vocabulary control and classification; indexing; and computerized searching and retrieval.
  • Demonstrated lexicographic capability sufficient to successfully maintain a complex indexing vocabulary according to American National Standard Z39.l9 "Guidelines for Thesaurus Structure, Construction, and Use."
  • Demonstrated capabilities in cataloging, indexing, and abstracting, i.e., in the subrogation process by which a bibliographic entity becomes represented by a condensed resume (a combination of cataloging data, index items, and an abstract).

g. Acquisitions Librarian, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Manages ERIC Facility acquisitions which concentrate on Federal and international education-related documents. Documents obtained via both automatic arrangements and individual solicitations.
  • Maintains liaison with Clearinghouse acquisitions coordinators and with ERIC Program Office.

Recommended Qualification and Experience:

  • Master's Degree in Library or Information Science or in Education.
  • Demonstrated experience in a library or information center, with involvement in its acquisitions operations. Background in education and the acquisition of government documents is extremely desirable.
  • Demonstrated knowledge of library techniques. Thorough familiarity with library acquisitions procedures. Knowledge of sources of Federal, international, and state documents relevant to education.
  • Demonstrated effective interpersonal skills and speaking/writing/communication skills in order to maintain effective communications with document providers, and the user audience.
  • Demonstrated ability to produce acquisitions-related internal publications, such as, in ERIC's case, the ERIC Acquisitions Arrangements List.

h. Reference Librarian, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Handles and responds to all incoming reference inquiries, whether by correspondence or telephone.
  • Purchases and maintains collection of reference works required by Facility staff in the performance of their functions, including education-related reference works.
  • Maintains ERIC microfiche collection and archival collection of ERIC Clearinghouse publications.
  • Performs computer searching assignments, chiefly in connection with internal Facility needs. When appropriate, refers incoming queries to appropriate ERIC Clearinghouses, to ERIC Program Office, to EDRS, or to other information systems (e.g., NTIS).

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • BA or BS in Library or Information Science, education or an appropriate, related discipline.
  • Demonstrated experience in reference work and/or library and information center operations; background in education and computer online searching.
  • Demonstrated ability to handle and respond to large quantities of reference inquiries, received by correspondence (or by telephone). Knowledge of ERIC and other major information systems sufficient for proper answering of queries or referral to appropriate ERIC system component or to other appropriate information systems (e.g. NTIS, NLM, etc.).
  • Demonstrated ability to perform complex computer searching assignments, whether done in connection with user questions or internal Facility needs. Knowledge of the online computer systems and CD-ROM systems used to search the ERIC database and experience in using them to search ERIC or other equivalent large information systems.
  • Demonstrated ability to identify, purchase, and maintain a varied collection of reference works, including any education-related reference tools in the performance of their functions.
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain archival collections, including large microfiche collections.
  • General familiarity with standard library reference works.
  • Ability to deal verbally with the public on the telephone and to handle diverse inquiries concerning education, and other topics, either providing answers or a referral to the best source of the answer.

i. Editors, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Participates in the editing and correction of the bibliographic and abstract data (and the associated computer output) for approximately 13,000-14,000 document resumes per year comprising RIE input (and optionally, participates in editing CIJE for approximately 18,000-20,000 article resumes per year).
  • Performs error correction of data for two RIE cumulative indexes, performs backfile changes for the ERIC Master File, performs duplicate checking, and assists in training new editors and in preparation of required reports.
  • Performs full processing of documents when required.

Recommended Qualification and Experience:

  • BA or BS in English, Library Science, or Information Science.
  • Demonstrated experience in editing and/or library and information center operations.
  • Demonstrated capabilities in cataloging, indexing, abstracting and the rules pertaining to those skills.
  • Excellent command of the English language including grammar, vocabulary, syntax and the ability to write succinct text.
  • Familiarity with bibliographic descriptors and the rules for their generation and use.

j. Technical Operations Specialist, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Sets up runs; monitors checks, and delivers computer production jobs; identifies and corrects minor processing errors; and coordinates data entry operations; sets up and runs jobs to produce regularly scheduled computer products including contract deliverable items.
  • Merges the various e-mail inputs from the Clearinghouses and runs them through the PowerBuilder front-end program that checks the data for duplicates, audits it against the authority lists, and converts it into STAR-compatible records.
  • Runs updates to all the Authority files. He runs the programs that release the in-process data to the ERIC Master File and assigns final ED accession numbers.
  • Runs the FrameMaker programs that compose the abstract journals.

  • Runs the security backups on the database and prepares the DAT tapes that are

deposited monthly in fireproof safes.

  • Duplicates copies of the ERIC database for distribution and manages the pool of 400 CD-ROM customers and the quarterly distributions of CD-ROMs that fulfill their subscriptions.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • High School Diploma, plus at least l year of specialized technical training.
  • Demonstrated experience of direct involvement in computer operations.
  • Demonstrated capability to work with minimum of direction in maintaining computer work flow and maintaining production schedules.
  • Basic computer programming capabilities.

k. Data Entry Operator, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility (estimated to extend for only the first year of the contract, until online, electronic system is implemented)

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Keys data for input to the ERIC computer processing system. The data keyed include: resume corrections, backfile changes (to master database), occasional full resumes, source (organization) names and codes for the source Directory, Descriptors for the Thesaurus, Identifiers for the Identifier Authority List (IAL).
  • Performs proofreading and correction functions for all in-house data input.
  • Receives all ERIC Clearinghouse bibliographic data transmitted online to the Facility and, after review, routes these data to the mainframe computer to be further processed.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • High School Diploma.
  • Demonstrated experience in data preparation experience, keying and other clerical operations.
  • Demonstrated successful experience in accomplishing key entry and production support requirements of large-scale information systems and document processing ADP systems.
  • Demonstrated experience in adhering to quality control standards.

l. Secretary/Receptionist, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Performs various secretarial, typing/work processing duties for ERIC Facility staff.
  • Organizes and supervises the maintenance of all Facility files and records.
  • Schedules appointments and receives visitors. Screens incoming front office mail and routes appropriately.
  • Works directly with Director on proposals, management reports, art work (tables, charts, graphs, etc.) and special projects.

Minimum Qualifications and Experience:

  • High School Diploma, demonstrated experience as a Secretary.
  • Demonstrated capability to keep abreast and maintain operations files.
  • Capable of locating and assembling information for various reports, briefing, conferences, etc.
  • Ability to act with minimum supervision and follow up with both staff and outside persons to insure that various commitments are met.
  • Capable of making travel arrangements and maintaining travel/expense accounts.
  • Ability to design and organize filing systems and maintain logs.

m. Document Control Supervisor, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Oversees the receiving and shipping of materials moving between the ERIC network components or other organizations and the Facility.
  • Maintains the inventory and control of all publications, forms, supplies; coordinates transactions between the Facility and other contractors and subcontractors, e.g., printers.
  • Mails approximately 1000 pounds of materials from the Facility every month.
  • Prepares shipping documents, invoices, and reports relating database and CD-ROM sales.
  • Maintains the ERIC Clearinghouse publication archives, the Facility archives, and the warehouse stock of the RIE and CIJE abstract journals.
  • Handles all the messenger/courier service runs and all interactions with the Post Office,

UPS, FedEx, and Pitney Bowes (mailing equipment).

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • High School Diploma.
  • Demonstrated capability to supervise a mailroom operation, including shipping/receiving, wrapping and packaging, calculation and application of proper postage, use of postal equipment, (scales, postage meters, tape dispensers, etc.), inventory control, liaison with commercial delivery and mailing companies, etc.
  • Familiarity with postal regulations.
  • Ability to handle document shipment on a large scale, e.g., shipments involving large numbers of different documents; shipments involving large quantities of single documents.
  • Demonstrated clerical accuracy. Shipment logs checked, inventory stocks counted, forms reprinted as needed. Printer deliveries must be checked for conformance to specifications.
  • Ability to deal with local printers in establishing specifications, getting estimates, checking deliveries, etc.
  • Basic knowledge of business office machines, basic commercial sales activity, handling of orders and invoices, etc.

n. Paginator, ERIC Processing and Reference Facility

Duties - Assigned duties include, but are not limited to:

  • Checks all documents entering the ERIC database to assure they are complete and identifies documents with conditions (missing, faded pages, etc.) that will keep them from entering the system until deficiencies are corrected.
  • Stamps consecutive numbers on all documents entering the ERIC system, following the guidelines established in the ERIC Processing Manual.
  • Performs general secretarial duties or editing and document preparation functions, as required.

Recommended Qualifications and Experience:

  • High School Diploma or equivalent.
  • Demonstrated general secretarial, clerical or editing experience.


Task 8. Special Projects

Participate in special projects

During the operation of the ERIC Facility, high priority requests for information and activities will occur that cannot be specified in advance. As negotiated in writing with the CO, the contractor shall perform special projects related to the scope and function of the ERIC Facility. These projects shall also respond to requests from Department of Education officials for ERIC related services and information. Another category of special project is in the area of Research and Development (R&D) projects. Special projects in the R&D category are to utilize the special expertise of the Facility as the quality and technical hub of the system and may be in the area of investigating tools for the system, exploring the data being collected and similar research activities. However, at the CO’s direction, in consultation with the COTR, ED may choose to compete special projects.

Special Project Procedures

Both ED and the Facility may initiate special projects. A special project may be proposed by the COTR to the CO for approval. A special project may be initiated by the COTR or proposed to the COTR by the contractor. Initially, a special project description, identifying the specific need for the proposed project, shall be furnished to the contractor by the CO, as well as a request for both a cost and technical proposal. The contractor shall submit a proposal five (5) working days from the date of the request. Technical and cost negotiations will be held, if necessary. The CO shall request a final revised proposal, if necessary. The CO will then issue a unilateral modification to the contract, incorporating the special project description, the schedule of deliverables, and the total funding amount of the special project.

Part III. Equipment and Attachments



A. Government Furnished Equipment and Materials




Complete set of ERIC microfiche -- 1966 to present


Microfiche storage cabinets


Complete set of STAR System documentation


Complete set of Resources in Education -- 1966 to present


Complete set of Current Index to Journals in Education -- 1969 to present


ERIC Historical Publications Collection, including one copy of every ERIC Clearinghouse and/or ERIC Component publication -- 1966 to present


Inventory stock of RIE and CIJE back abstract journal issues – 1966 to present


Set of library reference materials, including approximately 1,000 reference books, e.g., dictionaries, style manuals, catalogs, database manuals, computer system manuals and government publications (occupying approximately 350 linear feet of bookcase shelf space)





B. List of Attachments


All About ERIC


ERIC Processing Interactions


ERIC Facility Products and Reports List


RIE Master Schedule of (1999)


ERIC Digest Guidelines, (1999)


ERIC Facility Acquisitions Flowchart


Document Single Frame Resume


Reproduction Release Form (Specific and Blanket Version)


Public Voucher Form (Invoice)


Submitting Documents to ERIC


RIE Order Form (To order from GPO)


ERIC System Terminology


ADR Acquisitions Data Report Online (screen samples)


ERIC Facility Monthly Narrative Report and Annual Report Table of Contents


Abbreviations Used in the Statement of Work

ACM Association for Computing Machinery

ADR Acquisitions Data Report

AEDS Association for Educational Data Systems

ANSI American National Standards Institute

ASIS American Society for Information Science

CIJE Current Index to Journals in Education

CO Contracting Officer

COSATI Committee on Scientific and Technical Information

COTR Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative

CSC Computer Sciences Corporation

DIP Documents in Process File

EAA ERIC Acquisitions Arrangements List

EAB ERIC Administrative Bulletin

ED U.S. Department of Education

ED ERIC Document

EDO ERIC Digests Online

EDRS ERIC Document Reproduction Service

EFOM ERIC Facility Operations Manual

EJ ERIC Journal

EPM ERIC Processing Manual

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

FTP File Transfer Protocol

GEM Gateway to Educational Materials

GPO Government Printing Office

IAL Identifier Authority List

LAN Local Area Network

LIDS Line Image Data Set

NISC National Information Systems Company

NLE National Library of Education

NLM National Library of Medicine

NTIS National Technical Information Service

OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc.

ODC Other Direct Cost

OERI Office of Educational Research and Improvement

OMB Office of Management and Budget

RFP Request for Proposals

RIE Resources in Education

SOW Statement of Work

STAR bibliographic/data management system used to store and maintain ERIC database

VRG Vocabulary Review Group

WWW World Wide Web

Last Modified: 08/23/2003