RFP ED-99-R-0032 Document Receipt and Control Center Amendment 0002 Effective Date: August 11, 1999 This amendment transmits specific changes to the RFP. See below: 1. Change the due date for proposals to August 20, 1999, 2:00 PM Eastern Time. 2. Replace Pricing Schedule B, Transition Period only, and with the revised Attachment B. 3. Provide clairfication to the RFP. Question: RFP Section L.5 (page 39) paragraph B indicates "A detailed task-by-task cost proposal" must be submitted. Are correct in assuming the tasks to be the areas identified in Section VI of the Statement of Work? Answer: Yes, that is correct. Question: In amendment 0001 (Attachment B) Pricing Schedule of the Labor category, Project Manager does not appear. Does the description Task Manager replace Project Manager? Answer: Yes, the Task Manager replaces Project Manager. Question: We assume the Government wants tasks priced individually (e.g., by the subsections under Statement of Work VI-Processing Institutional Documents?) Or is the Government looking for price by period only? Answer: It is the Government's position that we require the offerors to only cost by period,i.e., Transition, Base, Option Year One, etc. Question: The Man-hour loading for the base and end option year is 3600 hours per annum. Please clarify since everyone seems to be part time. Answer: The transition period and base period is 11 months, which is the first year. Each option year is 12 months. Question: What is the total expenditure for the contract for FY 1997 and FY 1998. Answer: The total costs for the period FY1997 & 1998 is $3,207,563.61.