README.TXT The Performance Work Statement is provided in two formats: "PWS.WPD" is in WordPerfect 6.1 for Windows, and "PWS.TXT" has been converted to ASCII (DOS) Text to all ow viewing online. Some codes and formatting may have been changed in the conversion to ASCII (DOS) Text. Use the version in the word processing (WordPerfect 6.0/6.1) format for preparing comments or proposals. The following files are also attached in ATTACH.ZIP. The first three files listed below were not sent out with the hard copy of the RFP, but contain important information for this procurement: - "PERINDC.WPD" - Magnet Schools Assistance Program Performance Indicators - "FEASIBIL.WPD" - Feasibility Study of Evaluating Magnet Schools Assistance program Grantee Student Achievement; Statement of Work, Study Design, and Final Report - "APPGUIDE.WPD" - Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) Performance Indicators Guide for MSAP Applicants and Grantees - "ATTACHB.WPD" - Addresses of Regional Offices - "ATTACHC.WPD" -Past Performance Instructions and Form - "QUESTIONS.TXT" - The Department's Responses to Questions Raised in Response to the Posting of the Draft Performance Work Statement.