
This RFP invites proposals for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth Cohort. The purpose of this procurement is to design a national longitudinal study of children born January-December, 1999 and 2) to conduct the base year, first and second followup waves of this study. The contractor for the study will select a nationally representative sample of children at or shortly after birth and follow these children for about a six year period, or through the end of first grade. The contractor will collect data that will be used by researchers to study a variety of questions relating to children and their families as they move from infancy to school and to inform policy regarding the care and education of the Nation's children. CONTACTS: POC Yolanda L. Abney, 202-708-6498, Contract Specialist, Michelle Ringo, 202-708-8283

To request a hardcopy of this RFP, please call the RFP Request Line on (202) 708-6498. For web or downloading problems ONLY call Sharon Masciana on (202) 708-7665.)

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Last Modified: 10/03/2003