One Pubs and Performance Based Contracting

The National Library of Education is charged with providing the United States Department of Education with a One Stop Information and Referral Service center. Key features of this center will be an 800 line form which customer can request any ED publication, a state of the art inventory system, data base searches, publication storage, effective mail handling, referral capabilities, and maintenance of mailing lists. This contract shall include a performance bases statement of work, quality assurance surveillance plan, and financial incentives/deductions clauses.

All files are in Word Perfect 6.1 format. To request a hard copy of the Past Performance form, please call Christina McCrary on (202) 708-9741.

For web or downloading problems ONLY call Audrey Hawkins or George Wagner at (202)708-6775 or Ray Nelson at(202)708-6812.

98001.TXT (212K) - RFP 98-001 (ASCII Text)

LETTER.TXT (2K) - Letter from Contract Specialist (ASCII Text).

SOW.TXT (81K) Work statement in ASCII text for viewing online. (Conversion to ASCII may have changed formatting, removed footnotes, affected a graphic chart. Use WP6.1 version or hardcopy for proposal preparation.)

98001.ZIP (100K) - RFP 98-001 (Compressed Files in Word Perfect 6.1)

AMEND2.WPD (16K) Amendment 2 to RFP-98-001

[Archived Solicitations] - [RFPs and Draft Work Statements On-Line]

Last Modified: 10/03/2003