A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

FY 2003 Budget Summary - February 4, 2002

U.S. Department of Education Fiscal Year 2003 President's Budget

(in thousands of dollars) Category
Proposed Supplemental
President's Request
President's Request Compared to 2002 Appropriation
Amount Percent
Education Research, Statistics, and Assessment
1. Research, development and dissemination:
 (a)Research and dissemination (ERDDIA Part C, section 941(a)-(g) and Parts B and E)
D 120,567 121,817 --- 175,000 53,183 43.7%
 (b)Regional educational laboratories (ERDDIA section 941 (h))
D 65,000 67,500     --- 67,500 0 0.0%
SUBTOTAL   185,567 189,317 --- 242,500 53,183 28.1%
2. Statistics (NESA)
D 80,000 85,000 --- 95,000 10,000 11.8%
3. Assessment:
 (a)National assessment (NESA section 411)
D 36,000 107,500 --- 90,825 (16,675) -15.5%
 (b)National Assessment Governing Board (NESA section 412)
D 4,000 4,053     --- 4,5981 545 13.4%
SUBTOTAL   40,000 111,553 --- 95,423 (16,130) -14.5%
4. Multi-year grants and contracts (ERDDIA-J):
 (a)Eisenhower regional mathematics and science education consortia
D 15,000 15,000 --- 0 (15,000) -100.0%
 (b)Regional technology in education consortia
D 10,0002 10,000     --- 0 (10,000) -100.0%
 (c)Comprehensive regional assistance centers
D 28,0003 28,000     --- 0 (28,000) -100.0%
D 4,8004 5,000     --- 0 (5,000) -100.0%
SUBTOTAL   57,800 58,000 --- 0 (16,130) -100.0%
Total D 363,3675 443,870 --- 432,923 (10,947) -2.5%
Outlays D 565,477 818,554 --- 510,472 (308,082) -37.6%
  363,367 443,870 --- 432,923 (10,947) 11.8%

1 Includes $36 thousand for inceased agency pension and annuitant health care costs. Comparable benefit payments of $38 thousand for 2001 and $37 thousand for 2002 are currently made from a central Office of Personnel Management mandatory fund.
2 Adjusted for comparability. Funds were provided in the Education Reform account.
3 Adjusted for comparability. Funds were provided in the School Improvement Programs account.
4 Funds were provided under Eisenhower Professional Development Federal Activities.
5 Adjusted for comparability. Includes $38,000 thousand in fiscal year 2001 for programs appropriated in the School Improvement Programs and the Education Reform accounts. Excludes $388,281 thousand in fiscal year 2001 for programs appropriated in fiscal year 2002 under the School Improvement Programs account.

NOTES: Category Codes are as follows: D = discretionary program; M = mandatory program.

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This page was last updated 02/06/02 (mjj)