Strategic Planning
Archived Information

Strategic plans are required by the Government Performance and Results Act. They are developed by the Secretary and senior leaders in the Department to guide the work of the Department over a 5-year period and to share with citizens the Department's top priorities.

Strategic planning at the Department of Education provides a disciplined approach for focusing the talents, energies, and resources of the Department on achieving its mission, delivering on the promises of the No Child Left Behind Act, and meeting the expectations of The President's Management Agenda. The Department's Strategic Plan, 2002-2007 outlines six challenging goals. These goals are aligned to the vision that every child should have the opportunity to succeed. Accountability is ensured through specific performance measures and annual performance targets.

The Strategic Plan is implemented through Annual Performance Budgets that associate budget amounts for Department programs with the key goals of the Department's Strategic Plan. Overall, the goals, performance measures, and targets direct the efforts of every program and principal office in the Department and allow Congress and the general public to clearly see how the Department intends to deliver on its promises.

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Last Modified: 07/13/2005