The title of this chart is Transition from ELL Program Services.

It begins with a primary box which splits in two directions depending upon the answers to the questions in that primary box. The primary box states: "The district establishes criteria and assesses ELL students to determine when they no longer need ELL services."

This is followed by two questions. The first is "Do students have sufficient language proficiency in speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension of English to enable them to participate meaningfully in the education program?" An affirmative answer to this question leads to a succession of boxes that state, "Students satisfy district transition criteria." On that same path the next box contains "Students transition from ELL program services" and "Student progress is monitored with respect to ability to participate meaningfully in the educational program."

The second question asked from the primary box is "Do students have sufficient subject matter development or support to meaningfully participate in the education program?" An affirmative answer to this question leads to a path that states "Students do not satisfy district transition criteria" followed by "Students continue to receive services from the district's ELL program."